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Krishan Konna February 23, 2010. |
Yesterday when I come back my residence then my younger son Rafsan said to me that today came a doctors team of uncles hospital that’s means Mujubunnesha eye hospital. He showed me his card and to look at them to written by Mojibunnesha eye hospital.
Let the eyes, Alive ! School Vision Screening Program. Organized by : Rotary Clubs of Dhaka Fort, Dhaka premier, Dilkusha Jahangirnagar Dhaka & Ramna.with the suport of MUJIBUNNESSA EYE HOSPITAL LTD. Media partner CHANNEL I and Radio TODAY. To open the card-Rafsan Ahmed, class-v. Tested his eye by doctors sign. To seen doctors profile. All of them to known face. I recall when first I Dhaka then first I heard the name of Modasser Bhizan who attached their village school and contributed to them. But I did not see him. In 1988 whole country flooded over. At that time Shakhawat had gone to their village with lots of dry food, medicine and others. At that time only three person (I , schwan and Juli of my maid servant) in Dhaka. We are suffering that day also. But next time to known that medicine and dry foods all of given by Modasser bhai. Our only one eye doctor Modasser bhai, So everyone had come with him. But I did not see him only heard from distance that noble minded person and to do respect in mind and soul.
In 1993 first I injured a accident and my left eye affected. Then Shakhawat first taken me Modasser bhai, then he carefully treatment . From that day all treatment to be done by Modasser Bhai. At that day he gave me some books by his written. Only that day I read‘’ Desh Bideshe and Protiva Bikash. If I read them of course to know more about him. In my long struggle life always to kept myself from my own relatives. Only relative Modasser bhai, only from him I got all kind of support in my life. All kind of treatments I went him. But no disturb firstly. First I taken my slip and to standing by line. Once swept and reached the goal. But did not upset. Becase to known that’s performed to long time. Then I recall him and go to him only.
I recall once I affected pains by chest. Modasser Bhai then DMCH. I went there and he sent me Dr. N.I Khan may be. He is so good doctor, he test all of -ecg and others and said nothing, he advise also please to eat rice only potato but no adopt by unfair. I recall that word today also.
I recall when Modasser bhai was in Shorowardi hospital, then my younger son Rafsan Ahmed was born in there. First day when I went there. He told the head of the Gayne Dr. Nurjahan for me. From that day she looked after carefully and last 3 May,1998 Rafsan was born in Showrawardi hospital.
I recall once I went to showrawardi hospital with Rafsan. Then Bhaizan was out of country and then alternative doctor Prof. Ava Hossain . She did treatment carefully and said no tension, we are in here. After some days I went to hospital with Rafsan. To observed at that time Bhaizan was meeting by some doctors. Then he instantly standing up and come to near me and taken baby Rafsan and observed his eyes. I know that he did not want that I don’t wait with baby Rafsan. Thats humanity.
I also recall once I affected my vocal cord, then I first I went to BSMMU and taken a slip and as usual to line. But at last they knew that no bed. Minimum to be need vacant 3 months. Then I recall Modasser Bhai and went to Shorowardi hospital and said that matter. He called to phone Dr. Alauddin, Chairman head of the dpt. of ENT . Instantly I gone in there and then his doctor team test me and then admitted. But I coud not atten in time. Because I did work a important section of Ministry of Agriculture then. After three days I went my bed and then duty doctor told me, please to come tomorrow, eighter cancel your bed and important word that no come alone, of course anyone with you, eighter no operation to you. As usual I come but alone. To kept my baby Rafsan with maid servant. First step doctor said that you alone ! no operation. I said that I am alone nobody have not. At night I slept without any eating. In the morning wake up and standing beside belkoney and looking at the sky. Suddenly first to come my husband with elder son and after sometimes Modasser bhai and said, no fear, normal and to talk others doctors. That days was humanity also that I know.
Always I seen that Bhaizan to talk smoothly and nice with patience. May be patience will be good feel better only his nice words. Whole life he called me and my two sons –BANGALI. Then I so pleased. Modasser Bhai once born Gopalgong and loves Bangabandhu and Gopalgong.
To day I recall Begum Mujibunnesha when to see the hospital of Mujibunnesha. Mujibunnesha a great woman who born once Gopalgong. Nepoleon said that give me a good mother, I will give you a good nation. Only a good mother can be build up a good human. It seems to me to see our reality that who always sacrified their lives in past, they of course born and brought the soil of that’s mothers house. And they are real Bangali.
Modasser Bhai loved his mother and once dreamt his Mujibunnesha eye hospital. Once I heard that first Mujibunnesha hospital was Elephant Road. After Dhanmondhi 4. From there to Dhanmodhi, Road-28. After that at last Dhanmondhi, Road-6. A provab that ‘’Rakhey ALLAH Marey Key’’ ( if Allah safe him, so nobody does not kill him). When he left this country by unfortunately, then as like as mother Mujibunnesha of course at that day he felt so much pains in his mind. But reality, That’s a part of life.
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Modasser bhai is checking our PM eye |

After that when come back to Bangladesh, then he seen his as like as mother Mujibunnesha is destroyed all most. Only standing by a lots of debit. All of instrument is destroyed. On the other hand a lot of political tress was upon him. But he did not his boldness. Once I knew that Channel eye’s Mrs. Kona Reja uddokta hisabe to come beside him. Again slowly improved Mujibunnesha eye hospital that I seen. At that day my feelings was so good. Just this period once our PM Sheikh Hasina came his hospital.I recall some famous woman who met with me so near.
Frist I recall Dr. Ava Madam. I introduced her in shorawardi hospital. After my brain operation she first test my eye at Doctor care hospital. Last to met Mujibunnesha, she prayed me with embraced. It seems to me they are genuine who came to in the world only to serve of humankind.
Secondly I recall Niva Mowla who is the writer of Bangla shorh hand. In 1987-88 when I was his student, all most she taken me his rikhshaw and when I went Gopalgong, then she to perfomed my form fillup to give her own taka that’s no did not back her. I don’t know where she is now. I recall her in my mind and soul.
Thirdly I recall Panna Mohiuddin (ex. Ambassador and foreign secretary and colomist Mohiuddin sirs wife). In 1992-93 she loved me so much as like as a sister. Always I have seen a good qualities with her. My miserable period she helped me so much. She is a humanitarian to me also. At the present I don’t know where she is. I am so grateful to her.
Fourthly I recall my Joint Secretary Mrs. Rokhsana Ferdous. When I affected brain tumor, then she is my boss. Only her insist once I went to doctor. But next time she transfer being Dc, to Manikgong district. But my good luck she come back again our Ministry of Agriculture and posted with Badget. In there I was with her. In 2009 when she had gone, then she prayed me with embrace. I recall her a lots of good words what she told me before. She is a great humanitarian person. I like and love her so much.
I recall when I am affected of brain tumor, then I went to Cmch, vellore India. Then Dr. Ari. Chacko and his doctors team always to gave me their best serve. Always I observed their serve that no express. In the morning they start with their song of God. Sometime I called them Madar Teresha. Only for their serve once I come back by good health. As like as new born baby, once I come back in the world. A morning a father to come with me and prayed me with touched to my head. Even once I known about their Founder Ida S.Scudder. Once her student life she came to Tamilnadu with her doctor father. Then she observed a lot of peoples had died without treatment, then she go back to America and to study on the medical science and again come back to Tamilnadu, then she build up a clinic only one seated. But now that’s Cmch hospital may be 2500 beds or not I don’t know clearly. Always in their mind their JISUE, ISSHORE and Ida.S.Scudder . So for their humanitarian minded in there no death. Till 3 months no crying of death. After that being five years Dr.Ari.Chacko suggested me by internet. This is real humanity that’s I know from my life.
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Mrs. Husne Ara farid Principal Parijat Shikkhayongon |
At last I recall the Principal of Parijat shikhayongon Mrs. Husne Ara Farid. Only for her kindness my son Rafsan Ahmed have been reading for five years only half fees. She is the great humanitarian too. I recall after my operation and expired my husband in 2005 I went Ambassador Monzurul Alams created Sweden Bangladesh International School as like as his speech. But that day they did not admit him . For that day my son Rafsan was crying could not be admitted. Then I went the principal of Parijat Shikhayongon and told her all things. Then she instantly admitted him a lots of consideration. Till now he has been reading this school only half fees.When Modasser Bhai come back to country from Delhi then he first heard our miserable occurrence. Then he came to see us and manage some finace from Datch Bangla Bank that’s was so helpful at that miserable period. I recall the consultant Dr. M. H. Khan who did it by MD. Yeasin Ali. Always I am so grateful to them. I have written a article “ Datch Bangla is my best friend” . Dr. Khan said me at that day that no misuse that taka. That’s my health purpose Only. But it use my son purpose only and Principal Honse Ara Farid help me also. I always grateful to them. I know from my life these are all of humanitarian peoples and their noble activities is give this honor today.
Rafsan Ahmed
Today Mujibunnesha eye hospital from Elephant road to through Dhanmondhi 28 road and now to increasing enter to all school and office with to serve of humankind. To see my feelings is so good. Today recall that hard speech by Bangabandhu-‘ Amer Bangali ke dabiye rakhte parbana” (no can be stop of our Bangali). So Mujibunnesha eye hospital is going forward with their expart team. Today I recall of my struggle life who always introduced me, who love me, prayed me they are all of real and good person. Always valuations of stick is power. Only they work from social responsibility. 3rd December,2009 Internation Disability Day’’
I known a new life to met of our poor, needy , disable and helpless peoples. And that’s from responsibility always dream my RPf who will stay of attach of the soil and mother. (cont.)
Just now to end my writing but no set any picture so my feelings is bad. next time to add all of picture.