Krishan Konna of Bangladesh |
I love my Bangladesh Secretariat so much. That’s my family seems to me. I love, respect and honor to all of my officers and others. But from my struggle life when I saw that some corrupted officer to panishment human only own interested. In my long life I have seen so much officers, someone good or bad. A lots of officer who become Secretary- minimum deputy Secretary, I work with them. They like me so much only my good performance. After my operation first my posting Js Nokib Muslim sir, now secretary. He like me so much, even when I had written email, he helped me and encourage me to writing. After that Secretary Awal mazumder Sir who is so much good. At the present Additional secretary Kazi Akhter Hossain sir is also good person. Now a days I talk to him only. He knows about me and like me so much that I know. But some corrupted officer in here who is always harmful to all of us. They always seems to them as like as a God that’s means they always bureaucratic minded. So I always dislike them. Because when first govt formed 2009. Just at that period Ambassador Monzurul Alam betraed me and once his big brother ex. Cabinet Secretary Muzibul Hoque sir said about the honorable advisor presentable of our cabinet meeting with our Pm. Ex. Cabinet Secretary Muzibul Haque sir comments that first stage when govt. officer enter the Service, then they come with oath. So they did not again any oath. But to need only politicians that means Advisor or Minister. Then in my thought only that this establishment rules is made by that’s govement offecers. He knew that we to do injustice but they don’t express. If express then to cancel their job. For this in here we are all dumb. This establishment rules is so hard that’s made by the human, not nature. Then slowlly I am exited. Because I depend my service. Being so distressed but no expresed. So day by day I am going to death only not to do anything against the inhumanity. When I sent all my letters to them. But they no reply .Only seems to me that they always in their thought that they are govt. officers, even so honorable. So no touched their bodies. Even their wall is so strong. After that who don’t know how to behavior with woman, that’s officer must be corrupted and same bureaucratic minded. So I dislike them. Already I dilike them also.
Krishan konna |
I am working long time with my integrity. But my operation period my govt. did not anything for me that means no any option to establishment rules for me our dengerous period. But when I second time by concern PS to PM Selima madam I submitted my prayer of donate. At that time being two months my file is closed. Then I went to our MP that’s means our honorable Commerce Minister L. Kornel Faruque Khan as like as brother to me. He instantly recommended and submit again. Then my file removing. That’s reality. But very interesting when my file is enter our Minister Matia Chowdhury’s room. Then stop. But why are you know ? In there some corrupted person that I know. Once 1996 they are made me distressed and became once affected brain tumour. So then I went the minister room and loud voice , give me my file no sign, no need. They said that madam will discuss this file with secretary, then I so much exited and said that no discuss as like as disability’s file---. Then Ps Jomsher Ahmed sir sitting up and to taken with sign. On the other hand once incident , then I wrote my article for our Minister Matia Chowdhury “ What is this Humanity ? ‘’ at that day i raised loud voice that i did not obey the rules of Secretary, I am telling thats must be break, i dont believe that to killing humanity and used the religion. This is elligal power that used only innocent peoples. But that day deputy secretary Mr. Bashar insulted me, then i said that i dont fear any blooded eye. in there I wrote my whole service life’s miserable incidents. I worte some letters to Minister and additional Secretary.
On the other hands when I seen Ministry of works always mochary of my residence. Day by day I am going to death. But in there some corrupted officer nothing to do. I already wrote some letters to our Secretary Mahbubur Rahman. But they gave me just apartment but no suitable or no accommodate with me. They wanted prayer with recommend. But I could not that. So I failed. Who recommeded, he gained. Then I question our secretary but he did not reply. At last by their speech I collected my disability certificate. But they could not nothing for me. Even when Director Shawli Shumon said to indicate me that she is 2nd class and she is first class. Even she said that no to be only stress of power.Then I did not abide by, then I wrote Srecretay my letters and wanted my answer. In Secretary room I loud voice to said that I want to justice of Director Shawli shumon. Why she insult me ? I never no stress of power. Whereas they misused/violet their rules. Always I was working with integrity. They are all of corrupted that I know. I questions that any called my big brother Advisor, health and welfare prof. Syed Modasser Ali ? Any called my cousin adjudent general Mojahed uddin Milon ? any called our Commerce Minister Kornel Faruque Khan ? any recommended our Minister Matia Chowdhury ? No nobody no called only I came and –but they are all of fun to me. I also said that I hate this first class officer who always pursue (todbir) for go to near power. Who always try to go for secretary and minister level. They seems to them as like as God.
But next time when I went to our state minister Abdul S.M Mannan and wanted to get my answer. But he did not. Even no time to read or seen our prayer. But at least two years I did not go our works ministry’s ground floor. Is seems to me they all are fraud and so much corrupted that I know.
In here my long time I have seen to be change our government but no change their mentality. In here two catagories human, some one corrupted and bureaucratic minded and other real person who is understand our indispensable reality. I know that we are no rules any support of any perty because we are the employer of Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangldesh. But I have seen that to come one party dishonor me and when other party come then honor me. For this so created unknown/unseen politics in here. We know that unexpress enemy is more than dangerous than express enemy. In here always to killing humanity. But no express because we are dumb. When damaged their rights day by day, then once they raised their loud voice. Just thisway once I become aggressive and catched my pen against the inhumanity. I know that my pen is so powerful. To day all of my sir’s who around not only our country of the whole world I always respect and honor you and seems to me that Bangladesh Secretariat is as like as our family and we are all family members. All of you are our gurdians. That’s all.
But now a days I mean that in here all of us are equall, all we are human and after our death to go to same place. Now a days I mixed that as like as Martin Luther King Minister, Secretary, MLSS, 3rd class, 2nd class all are equall. I love and respect all of that person who has a great integrity,moarality and sincerity and dislike that person who are corrupted, who are bureaucratic minded. That’s all.
I have written in my thought part of 62 just only our Bangladesh Secretariat/facebook, Republic of the peoples of Bangladesh/facebook and Bangladesh/facebook only. Why to day I am so aggressive. please let me know all of yours feelings.