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Krishan konna |
I am telling 'New generation 1971. I am krishan konna liberation period I am may be eigtht /nine years old. I recall something. I already written a article " Liberation 1971, Freedom finghter and some speech ". New generation 1971 that means who born at that time. But you did not see the liberation war. Only to hear from your parents or others. A provab--'' Chro shukhi Jon Vume ki khon bathir bedon bujite ki parey,kovu ashi bishe dongsene jare''. So you dont see practically, so how to feelings that pains ? when I see ' We are new projonmo 71, then seems to me that crying. Are your father that means freedom finghther was fighting at that time ? I believe that. But can you say all of Mukti juddo chetonaye bissahshi ? I say, no. I have seen a lot of freedom fighters but their mind is narrow, they dont love us, they always compare high and low catagore. But Bangabandhu born and brought up of the soil of Bangla and he loves our poor, needy and helpless peoples. His politics was only for low society. If I come back what I look at ? Once for only democracy created 1952, 1969 and at last 1971. Who sacrificed his important lives, where from ? Of course Shahid Salam , Jabber, Borkot, Nur Hossain all of the son of the soil. Only the son of the soil can be love of the soil and Mother that I know. They fully understand our pains, sorrow and remorse. I know that who orginally no mukhtijuddar chetonay bishashi whose children never understand that. But when i see that Projonmo 71, only seems to me ' Fun' without no nothing. On the other hand Global Citizen no never understand our crying thats means democracy's crying. But Purojonmo 71= How old are you ? only after few days one day to see that your children re build next generation-what will be name ? I dont now. Thats our status.
Please Projonmo 71 in thought once more, how many days we have gone. But what I seen always ? After liberation till now no culture of real democracy of our country. Always to seen that all of them come behind door and to do their activities thats all of perform behind doors. But once they out in front of us then we have seen and then realized that to done by mistake but when others come then start same playing. Can you tell me who understand our sacred land ? once I got it in leau of a lots of lives. I dont believe north, south, left, right parties. They are all of fraud/corrupted , all of as like as God. But remember only my Almight Allah is our only God who controts everything.
In liberation period who had nine or ten years ages who always suffering and attached to that activities but no any certificate. We are which categories ? our father was fighting but that kinds of others. My elder brother was fighting. But no any certificate, because they did not think that, Because they gave them important time, money and others. thats enough. My Mama Abul Khayer (my mother beloved brother), Narail who designation the BANGLAR MAMR and tagged a brave freedom fighter certificate in his throught by Awameleague government only his integrity of essence. Our prio Apa Sheikh Hasina called him Mama and all of Ministers common Mama thats means my dear Mama. I dont say I am Bangni of Banglar Mama, always said to my Mama he is. I have written a place '' when my mama got a certificated then no need my mother, father and my brother and no created that certificate of this country.
So please tell me we are which categories generation ? I know all of you have a great responsible but no any right of all us who has no certificate or others ? We love the soil of Bangla also. Once I born and brought up this sacred land who loved my father so much, who loved my grand father, who loved my elder brother , who loves my dear husband, but so sory today all have been gone away. Today I am alone. They all of me loved so much that now no express.
But only word that who are now out of country thats means global citizen please listen to me that after 40 years first I am raised my loud voice from the central point of Bangladesh Secretariat to against our family, Society and Administration. Always I am saying that I am Bangali and always to believe that Kazi Nazrul is my love and inspiration. Once he arised his loud voice to against the inhumanity and government. Are you know when the human raise loud voice when no path around to open and so much distressed by the peoples of everyside. Always damaged their desires by foots.
I have seen my family, society and administration. Now I dont trust anybody anything. It seems to all are corrupted. in here everywhere are attached corruption as like as Octopus. Now we want to release that. I dont believe theocracy, autocarcy, hypocrisy, only believe real democracy, Because our govt. is established on the democracy. But is only word , no culture. that status only.
I know from my life that always our politicians destroyed our society and administration. I have seen always change our government and then instantly changed everything, One group come and honor to us and next other to come and dishonor thats made me unhappy and destroyed our administration. I know that no rules of comments of anti government of us. Only for this in here created a unknown and unseen politics, thats only for our politicians that I know. I fear if no change to this dentency, in future to see transparent/come to light. I am telling please stop to play with us. Let us to work with peacefully. Please dont attached with polities that made me so complex and never to established a good government. We have been gone many year, so no lost our time. Now we want to see the culture of democracy.
It seems to me that our country is only for them. So who participate their party. then they gained. such as they will get job, business facility and others. I have seen we are made Agriculture policy but our district level destroyed that. then can we good feelings ? when I see no real policy maintain. then seems to me why to make this policy ? in here every sector same case. Thats status, thats culture. But now I hate that culture. I want to moderiniging democray that give real acountabillity. Today I indicate in here most of educated disability. They dont understand indispensable reality. No any law of ALLAH and His Holy Quran or nothing. only as like as a big stone that means old method is sitting over the country. On the other hand they are not understand what is right and what is wrong.
So I am also telling Projonmo 71 please if you realize that to need moderinising our democray, So hence to start. or if you thought as like as skespeares seven parts of our life that he divided. In there-love feelings emotion after pains, sorrows and last happines, peace and happines only. Just dont know what your part that you carring. If you thought to do for us who are not as like as projonmo 71, who are innocent, who are no attached our wrong politics then we are not here any claim or others. For this a lots of our children thats means student to more attached and blindly to believe our politicians thats damaged our student society. I am krishan konna once knew that Party is not newtral, but intelectual that means teacher society always will be saint of true. (Dol niropokkho noy, kinto buddijibira hoben shotter upakshok).But now what i see ? they are going to that wrong politics thats so harmful of our education sector and day by day damage that.
Can you tell our projonmo 71 how can to come back our children from that blind believe ? How can tell them that only real education will can be make you be happy and perfect human (cont.)
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