I am going to our Army Pared Squrae to celebrating our Victory Day-2010. We are not VIP person. So no our CNG in front of. So for being long time we are walking

This picture is Mother Teresha the great humanist that I know. I am walking and to telling why I am walking being disability listed woman. Where our Humanity ?

So miserable when I am arriving in the Gate. Our peoples so stress to each others. At last police and security charge with them. I was in there.

So miserable when I am arriving in the Gate. Our peoples so stress to each others. At last police and security charge with them. I was in there.

I am going forwarding to VIP place by VIP Gate.

I am saying first to him so slow and clearly that I am the Queen Krishan konna of Bangladesh. Please call your Adjudent General Mojahed Uddin Millon that The Queen krishan konna has come, So please a VIP seat for her. After 20 years I have come in there to enjoy our Victory Day-2010.

I am saying first to him so slow and clearly that I am the Queen Krishan konna of Bangladesh. Please call your Adjudent General Mojahed Uddin Millon that The Queen krishan konna has come, So please a VIP seat for her. After 20 years I have come in there to enjoy our Victory Day-2010

They bargaining with me. So I becoming so aggressive then. A long path I have passed by feet. So now tried.

I raised loud voice, but they dont care to me. Seem to me this Army as like as God. I could not tolerate it. And again and again I am saying that I am krishan konna, in here all arrenged of my brother ADJ.G. M.M. But they dont care

I raised loud voice, but they dont care to me. Seem to me this Army as like as God. I could not tolerate it. And again and again I am saying that I am krishan konna, in here all arrenged of my brother ADJ.G. M.M. But they dont care.

Then I stressed to him by my hand bag. A lot of hit to his nose and face. Please look at this picture. Who is he ? He cheak of our entering card. My Identy card is in my tagging in my body. This is personal offer of the Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh. That card gained by their years labour of DAE. This is so power more than others. But our reality is as like this. who is high powerful card he is honoable. But the Queen kirshan konna does not belive that. She is humanist. I see who is most integrity of essence. I hit now no this person I hited the Pakistan govt. rules. Pakistan rules is my most enemy with me. They as like as God and stressed to our poor, needy, helpless and most integrity person who donot say Sir, Sir, Sir and Sir.

The Army gave me electirc Charge instantly and say again and again to arrest her. But always I am Allah protected. So no any ray that means electric charge has no work at that time. I always saied please arrest me, now I want my death by hangging. At last he said to my son that why you come with your mother ? She is mental patient .
I recall then I told my son that I am going to Gail. Please open my facebook and to told my news to all of my friends in all the world as like as Bangabandhu. Bangabandhu has arrested but I am not at last. I become free only my integrity of essence. After Bangladesh secretariat second time I hited our strong Army sector.I am challenged of my brother Adjudent G. Milon please come on if your integrity I am telling the Famous Shafiuddin Minas grand son wife. You are his ground son.

A lot of flags and my black glass has damaged at that time. A lot of pictures. But not publish now. Now again to buying some flags.

Please look at that Burning ponit where Bangabandhu declaired his important speec in front of the peoples of Bangladesh.Just this place I am coming today only to tell behalf of our poor,needy, disable, helpless and innocent peoples of Bangladesh

I am othing to standing this pure place only our innocent peoples of Bangladesh..

To day Bangladesh Victory Day-2010. I already declaired to all of my friends that this day Human day and this day the Queen Krishan Konna's day also.
ReplyDeleteAfter 20 years I went to our Natonal Pared Square. Then our Army charge me and disempowerment of the power. Then I raised loud voice and I hited to him. I did not him only hited the Pakistan rules.