Rahila Khanum
Ministry of Agriculture |
Once HEROES NEVER DIE group wrote their discussion board this msg. I dont know who is Manob Shyena. I have said with him a lot of words, but till now no invited who is he ? Sometime his words seem to me that any replace body. This word is not Sumon Mahmod. Although he is recognise that he is Sumon Mahmod. But sometimes seems to me as like as iternal soul who had gone before for my motherland. He told me that this is Manob month. But not matter of that I know only one word thats Manob that means human =Humanity. He had gone away. Seems to me that now he is die in peace by heir born and his father-mothers poribarey at Gazipur. Thats so mysterious to me. He had gone but he keep it up of his great power that made me sp strong only. I hats off MANOB
Manob Shyena |
Balok : LISTEN, I know & hope u my heart matured ! U & for all others well concern, it should have necessary to know about this group's ethics, aim, activity & so on !! U r open to spread ur opinion as u wish. All members have their rights as being a representatives of this society to express his/her own... thinking, strategy, policy for well being of this country. & although we are here today because of the dedication of those great freedom fighters who sacrifice their soul getting out of fear loving dreaming beauty HEROES NEVER DIES GROUP REMEMBER THEM WITH THE WHOLE HEART BUT IT WOULD BE WRONG IF U LIMIT IT HERE !!
The Queen Krishan Konna of Bangladesh is a HERO in my eyes & my loyalty to her as thereby i did opened with u all my heart together this group once socially loving my country daring nobody ! I believe all of u are my great power compare to the those less & I feel my almighty loves me - always her mercy !
I have studied about her better time & so encourage all of u also to know about her, this poor but now powerful, was victim but turn back, human but with limitation, has everything but handicap - not by born my friends. We the social elite people reach her up to this position & she did survive again n again & make her a true survivor for them, once they make her today's painful limitation despite the misery of 1971 a little but fighter of time for freedom & above all the mercy of Almighty ultimately!!
Again Its my prayer to all of our member will read her writings & paintings as she make all of her deeds to an art to reach up to you hard n soul !!
Dear Manob Shyena,
My best regards to all of members/suporters of HEROUS NEVER DIE group.Today I am telling with great respectfully that my friend Manob Shyena has given me that honor really I am not at all that competent. I am a simple Farmers daughter. Although always in my dream but not so much. I dont know that how I express my gratefullness to him. So now first my thankful of my ALMIGHTY ALLAH and gratefulness of my dear friend MANOB SHEYNA.
Now my feelings is not good so no express my words, Because now recall of my dearest person who had gone before. Today I am understanding HEROUS NEVER DIE' only to see in my heart and soul their secrificed that they had given to us.
I recall when I went in my bed then they come in my heart and soul and said that never surrender to near untrue and unfair.
I recall some months ago Modasser Bhai touched my head and prayed me '' BANGALIR JOY HOuk.
I recall when I went to Tunggipara then Bangabandhu said that '' BANGALIR JOY HOUK''
Now I recall one of my fbf Mokhtel Hossain Mukti who art my some pictures and said to me that I have read your story or Liberation war,71 that make me crying. You are our Mather Teresha of Bagladesh. To need you of our Bangladesh. I like him so much. But bad luck once he published some picture thats being hurt in my mind. Then I raised loud voice to against the freedom fighter and then he removed. But dont care. I am right. Thats all.
Dear all of Manob is right that I have nothing but I beilieve always -ALMIGHTY ALLAH is unique in his arttribute and self-sustaining. While I am nothing but a small particles in a vast kingdom that ALLAH controls.
Now my feelings is so good, because now I am a dead body- So I will die, you will live in here, only will stay of my all writing that I have written only with my tears. ALLAH said that no express of myself, already I express to all in my Quran. So now I am saying to all of you my friends no express about Krishan konna, I already to expressed myself in all my writing what observed day by day in my life.
I will be so gratefull to all of you if you read and know why after 40 years Krishan konna cached her pen to her family, society and administration.
You know all of my dear we have been many years, So no lost anytime please now understand of our indispensable reality. Please understand what our Martyr Freedom Fighter wanted for our country. Please teach differentiate good and bad only. We know that we all must leave in this nice world one day. Only will stay of our good performance and noble activities.
Always remember I am not Hero, I am your sister, friends and mother only. One day I will die, only will stay of my words and my all dreams that all of you ferform only for human wellbeing. Being human being.
The Queen Krishan konna of Bangladesh
28 November,2010.
Manob Shyena |
Thanks Queen Krishan konna for ur kind approching ! We are nothing except you all & HEROES NEVER DIE will try her best - Just pray for us. All of ur prayer will be the strength for us to go ahead & do something in reality !!
On Behalf Of
Manob Sheyna
Thanks Dear Manob Sheyna for your kind notes. I am so happy to know from you. May Allah bless and peace in always and be happy.
The Queen Krishan konna of Bangladesh
On Behalf of
Krishan konna Humanity Mission (KHM)
Manob Shyena |
Good Luck KHM, you will see us always after u, Anyway it might not be beside u coz u know better we are not as much as experienced, aged also have not as much as integrity & power as well as support as u posses urself rather than the whole of us but we will urge in general - will try for all kinds of well being not right it to limit one as much as it capable us within our short limit now however therefore to u everybody today & though we r just novice, we have nothing to loose here after to learn from u all too from now that u could not last 40 years any way just for this poor land purified by the flow of blood of 30 lacs dedicated soul. And that's not possible to skip except telling the truth that HEROES NEVER DIE right not for any particular specific community well ,being and learn from this past universe to future to make it universal. As long as this universe HEROES NEVER DIE will go on. some one someway somewhere will be there and to keep it going on and on!
Above all Almighty's bless always for any kind of well being & henceforth HEROES NEVER DIE will get it's own identity to do - to say - to achieve - to show - to bring out once "THE SUCCESS" whatever, it might be slow but of course it would be steady & I myself believe in ourselves that we had already have & would furnished it's mechanism hence through from day to day to show its overall beauty to the universe with full fledgelings.. !!
Anyway KK, I have told a lot though i am not quite fit now physically ! Pray for me, its again repeat for u dear, HEROES NEVER DIE will remain with you untill "Krishan Konna Humanity Mission (KHM)" remains on track & therefore We r along with you, further call us through me directly if it is needed something straight.
Manob Sheyna
last Sunday · Report
Krishan Konna Thanks for you kind msg. Yesterday I read your messages again and again and trying to invited who are you ? Who given me such honored, So I wanted to look at in this Bangla. But till now could not--. You dont know when IHM group of Pakistan appointed me their deputy organizer (Bangladesh) and once misunderstood that they are terrorist only with me. In front of me only integrity of essence. After that they removal for nothing and blaimed to me that we used their each word and languages thats humpered for me that observed whole world. Then only my fb friend Christopher Mark Wingate wrote my wall and talked to me with this Mission and said to me that of course will be the lessorn ' Krishan konna Humanity Mission'. I know of our peoples, they are no braver. So only this once I named '' Bangladesh Humanity Mission' then a lot of peoples like it. But when I named KHM after my friend Christopher. then someone support me . But could not any word to write on my wall. Only wrote in there my friend chirstopher Mark wingate and he took it in his ' I love in New Zealand ''. I lkie my friend Christopher Mark Wingage. Once he said to me what you need to your peoples please tell me and submit some pictures in your KHM. But I said to him that I am alone. I have no any office and staff , thats only of my web page. He word me that emmidiately he come in Bangla and discussed me this purpose. Even say, you discuss of any good person who knows to english. He said to me first to need some good peoples--
I always reasearch to you. sometimes you told that you now bore or not ---in here my confused---. anyway if you in time to see my www.krishankonna.blogspot.com. in there conversion the member of IHM Mosarrat Khan Pubjab university and me. She blame me again that we are not humanist, we are not go to practical way. even we not know english sentence only copying. Thats made me so hurt.
I am now telling to all of my friends once Bangabandhu dreamt for our freedom, but till now no any good person who knows to english language. I am krishan konna dont know how to write english or say. Only that till now I could not established my KHM.
Their complained that why I could not established of IHM in this Bangla ? But I know that I am Bangali of Bangabandhu. So now we are independed country . We have a nice flag that I aquired in leau of a lot of lives. Who had gone to left me, but kept their all good performance, after all the freedom of the peoples of Bangla.Now I cant not standing up in front of UN under their flag. So I could not that. IHM of Pakistan understand without krishan konna no anybody established their Mission in here. I already told to them until kk alive in this Bangla, no established IHM in here. we dont want to help from Pakistan, we are happy in here. Whereas you massacred of us in 1971. If you would be humanist, please to take of all Bihari who have been living in Bangla. then we will be some extention. We are humanist because they are living here peacefullly.
Amoni onek koth ja amer discussion Board a lekha ache. I love Bangla and I love the peoples of Bangla.
Manob ami kothaye jeno aktu ---tumi jee hoo na keno. Please wake up only for my innocent peoples of Bangla.Aj amra boro oshohaye. Whole banglar muktir jonno akdin amader apon jonera ostro hate tule niyechilo. Aj shei mother land divided. Please save me Manob, Ami tumake bolchi.Amra ar amader shei sacred land ke destroyed hote debona. Only for aj Pakistan insulted me that I can not tolerate. So at that day I invited to all of freedom frighter of Bangladesh. But till now nobody did not care to me. But now I am request to you. please wake up, Please dont sleeping untill no build brohterhood and peace that only now build Bangladesh strong. Whereas will be destroy more day by day. please wake up Manob I request to you.
At last my speech to all of you my time may be ending. I dont know how time I will stay with you. In 1994 I entered in here. I have seen and met a lot of strike. We were walking from Jattrabari to Bangladesh secretariat and crossed some time a lot of Bag full of sand. sometime obsered a lot of Army cheek of us and entered in here. A lot of experience about this strike. My whole life I honored my establishment rules, so now I am disability lishted. You know that now I loud voice to against that Pakistan rules that made me sad in my life. Even who always wearing Pakistan dress and made me sad. I have written my blog. I am a simbol of Bangladesh. please look at. in there I already said that of our Bangladesh Secretari is our honorable place, so in here to coming so politely and be honor of our national dress Sari only. In here they always pakistani dress and stressed to us that made me sad.
Today I did not go of my office. From my office my colleague called to me and discussed my elder son Schwan. Even he told to him-Our Deputy secretary admin desire to meet him (schwan). But only Schwan, they sent to pass for him at 12 pm.
Now my Question to all my new generation of Bangla- Why ? now a days I mean my elder son is immatured although we ----. He is my child only. You know that krishan konnas roots so strong. I have some gurdian in this Bangla. Amito akhane veshey asini. Narail-Gopalgong to Dhaka. of course anybody took me my dear. Now I mean my best gurdian of my sister Sheikh Hasina. Ami Gopalgong er akjon Putrobudho chilam. But now my husband had gone. But in there his relatives of course beche ache. I say to you that without Sister Sheikh Hasina-
1. My second brohter Noor Ahmed, business man and AL, Narail
2. As like as my elder brother Shorab Hossain, Mayor, Narail district.
3. My big brother Prof. Syed Moddaser Ali, Advisor, Govt of the peoples Republic of Bd.
3. My elder brother(cousin) Adjudent GeneraL Mojahed uddin Milon, Dhaka Centonment.
Am I mad or terrorist in front of Govt. ? Why they discuss of my immatured son ? I can pass everyone to take my officer. But I could not. Because no need. But I have seen someone sell it. Regular one officer can used ten pass only. So our audit site regular ten pass but I dont use. Whereas my son no pass, only enter for my son only. but you know in there normal army officer, but their boss is schwan uncle, Fufu amma told to Milon from now you look after Schwan and Rafsan.But we dont communicate, but not that he dont love to us. We are bangali no sir sir sir. My order Schwan will not meet him. He ofcourse will go of my office tomorrow, and not only one day, untill I will stay of my office, he will go with me regular. Thats all.
Tumra jene rekho akdin ami ae Bangladesh Secretariat a eshechilam,Bangladesh secretariat holo amer family, amer aponjon akhane akdin eder jonno ami lekha lekhi shuru korchilam. Jodi akhan thekhe amake chole jete hoy tobe sheivabey ami beirye jabo but akhno amer kaj ses hoyni. Ami thakbo always tader pashe, kebol projoner tagide amake ber hote hobe, tao head ucho kore,nicho korey noye. I am the Queen kriwshan konna of bangladesh.
Bangladesh dirghojib houk.
The Queen krishan konna of Bangladesh.
On behalf of -
Krishan konna HUmanity Mission (KHM).
notes : my habit after my writing no correct that lost my brain. so please forgive me if any wrong.
I have studied about her better time & so encourage all of u also to know about her, this poor but now powerful, was victim but turn back, human but with limitation, has everything but handicap - not by born my friends. We the social elite people reach her up to this position & she did survive again n again & make her a true survivor for them, once they make her today's painful limitation despite the misery of 1971 a little but fighter of time for freedom & above all the mercy of Almighty ultimately!!
ReplyDeleteManob Shyena told me that he is my brother who once lost my life. But he is now Jail. Even I have seen he already staying of my fb wall. But physically why not look at him ? I dont believe it. I want to see in the front of this Bangladesh. Untill I am alive, my brother dont stay in any Jail of the World. I want to save from that Jail where he has attacked.