Respectable Sir, I am so pleased to read your topic and to known some books name that I did not hear anytime. After all you are a ambassador and living a big apartment, have a lot of time to read this books. Whereas no any time to read that’s book. In my life only a book ‘’The Independed only two hundred and sixty six days ‘’ by Nurul Kadir. In there was a name of my relatives, so collect that books but no open anytime to read well. Our mass observation we are got in dependent but really we are in dependent. ? Till now here and there we are looking a lot of problems that make me unhappy. We are a fundamental wanted but can we fill up now ? now a days English, france, Germans so fur, at least no time to read Bangla. Whereas always fighting our fundament wanted , in there no any time to read books, looking books or buying books of us. Always we are struggling, so where our time to read and for looking books ? This is fact. Suppose my younger sons old is nine, he never go of our book fair. For being two or three years always said him that one day I will go the book fair. But now I am a lair with him. That’s reality.
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Ex.Ambassador Wali-ur Rahman, Foreign Advisor , of Bangladesh Awamedeague |
You said that our new generation always interest to know our liberation war 1971. Yes I recognize but that new generation who are living Apartment of Concord, moving AC car, reading high qualities school and college or Global Citizen only. But our 90% children that means new generation always suffering that tension, after pass can any good job or not get ? So no time in thought in their mind. That’s true. If no thought in their mind, so no occurred fighting, killing and hot not of our college and university. Other country of the world no this situation. So always high society’s children no interested to studying or our country. What you understand of our children ? All of your children always learn out of country, so no understand about our new generation.
Your this book has written by Indian writer. Really India, Hindu this word so much nice of me. Because Shuresh Chondro Mukharji was only one person who guider all of us. And next time Dr. Ari. Chacko recovery me and then I got my new life. So India always lovable and honorable to me. A definite incident and time that occurred of our liberation war, so now no interested of our new generation of our liberation war 1971. In my experience at that day we got most of all votes but some one did not wanted our in dependent. Some one was unexpressed that I know from my life. No any flowing that blood of our society till now ? Whole life they are anti of our in dependent, even no till now That’s true. Yesterday was IHUDI NIDHAN DIBOSH ( Ihudi killing day). Are they no forget that day ? But we are easily forgot in 1975,15 August. I did not know many things, but you know that IHUDI (the Jewish community) so much obedient. ! if Hitler said to them, ‘ Jumped.’ Then they to do that instantly. But we ? if it done, so no killed of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman with whole family members. That’s true.
After so long time of course arisen the friendship of the peoples of our country. Because now established the big wrong over the big true. At the present orginal criminal killed and who alive, always we grown up as like as a brothers and friends and forgot everything that happened before. That’s true. That’s reality. That’s a part of our life. According evaluation all of them are now brothers and sisters. All of revenge, collusion has lost at day by day. As like as to all of you we always to did that light and easy. That’s true.
And Muslim Ummar Dohai diye keno noye ? All of our mothers at that day his sons justice only kept opon Almighty ALLAH and life passed only crying and crying. Always they observed that killer was walking in front of them but they could not nothing, only observed that. At last their dumb crying stopped. Now that’s justice to keep up our Almighty ALLAH. What lose ? That’s satisfy of mind only that I know.
Who’s justice to do you ? One day will create Tribunal , to appoint peoples, to do investigator and hot not. But on the other hand only for stop that justice apply illegal power the behind door that I know. But why not ? that’s our morality. When we are hungry, peoples say-Ovabe Shobad nosto’’ (when met appetide/poverty, then no integrity) . I have seen a lot of my life and from that’s I am telling only. You are so much experience, so you can say easily that of course it will perform of our country. That’s only your own feelings. Some days ago of our class about increasing efficiency my sir said that we are always abide by our rules, then 70% peoples are stopping in there, where he is standing up and now anyone if say that’s establishment rules, of course he tell a lie. Now you are a one person that 30% only and that idea you justify of others. Now please say , we are all of 30% ? This is administration ! From my believe only saying, that’s no easily. If it easily so no BDR mutiny, collusion of all college, university and others. Are you know what happened tomorrow ? A few person war criminal who’s justice you will perform. But you don’t know how strong their roots. No can remove easily. If it is so easily, no never they did not come to entered the parliament and secretariat with tagged his flag.
To day if I say that the criminal of war has most integrity and morality ? Whereas no integrity and morality of our freedom fighters. They always destroyed their promised, eighter war criminal did not want in dependent openly at that time, even no till now. Always they are right. But our freedom fighters always wrong. Today who are BNP but once they were not Awameleague ? You are coordinator of Bangabandhu Murder case. So are you did not see that who killed Bangabandhu , in there most of all the person of Awameleague ? the word of our PM Sheikh Hasina that Awameleague don’t consumer, only producer. But I known my life Awameleague is not only producer, they consumer also. You talked that Awameleauge who killed in 1975. At that time to death. If I say that’s awameleague was my elder brother Nurul Islam who killed by Rajaker, if I say that’s Awameleague was Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman who killed in 1975. That’s true.
So no looking any real Awameleague in my eye. Once I said that now a days I could not tolerate anything. To day seems to me everything is mockery. Once you word me that you read my story that to your promised to Bangali. If you break your promised, then Bangali does not forgive you and don’t forgive of the peoples of Bangladesh. Please let me say I am a simple gril, Biddrohi, Bangali and now uncommon woman. I can not agree with you. A question from my own believe,’’ why you want the justice of war criminal ? Perhaps you say that its so cruel that’s quite inhumanity. If we don’t perform, so always feelings of guilty to near the nation. That’s all. But if I see of our Islamic mind, ‘Forgive is the great virtue’. So now we forgive them and rewarded by God. Yet say that’s our national issue.
Just now if I mean that my heart is a nation and now I forgive him. Perhap my feelings is so good but near my judgement/conscinance , I can not abide by that. at that time seem s to me that its is the most cruel that quite inhumanity. This believe is only my own too.
I know that he is most criminal than Rajaker. Please search to see that their family life is so dangerous, so cruel ! orginal criminal don’t understand their guilty, only character to talk that. Always they thought their life easy and light that we can not ever. If I say so long years ago once incident war liberation that’s was unexpected. So now to forgive them. But you agree with me ? no can not. As like as same feelings of my mind. Once he said that I don’t accountability of any person, that’s my disease only. I said that I will punishment to you that never any virus affected of our society. That’s all. Now that’s my Jihad. This is your Awameleague ! Please look at only wear of costume/lebel of freedom fighter to captured lands and help to others to getting that. To more have plenty of money, poperty and hot not. But what I am doing ? Always all works to performed my own hands. To day in the morning only written a prayer without pay of my son and sent him to school. This is life style of me. After that I am walking always high head. Sir you are a real person, once I said that everyone is ambassador but all of them don’t envoy. (cont.)
Yes I recognize but that new generation who are living Apartment of Concord, moving AC car, reading high qualities school and college or Global Citizen only. But our 90% children that means new generation always suffering that tension, after passed can any good job or not get ? So no time in thought in their mind. That’s true. If no thought in their mind, so no occurred fighting, killing and hot not of our college and university. Other country of the world no this situation. So always high society’s children no interested to studying or our country. What you understand of our children ? All of your children always learn out of country, so no understand about our new generation.