Rahila Khanum Ministry of Agriculture |
Shakespeare said that the world is a stage and we are actor. The peoples come, performed their part and go. But our reality is we are not performing, only to playing. Everyone has Darkness power that can be badness or goodness. But if we it used goodness for only human beings, then of course it is so helpful for the world. But when it is used for badness, then of course it is harmful for the world. At the present of the world badness power is so fast affected in the peoples, in there to killing the goodness power only.
I recall after my operation I went to Shudha Shodon to meet our anti leader of Awameleague Sheikh Hasina and met her to gave my prayer only. She word me that she will see about me. But next time when I went in there, then my brother Shorab Hossain Narail said to me why you come here ? Not should. Then I never go back that house. But when our government reform, then I went to Prime minister office to Selima khatun, PS of our PM Shiekh Hasina who knows about me. With her concern when I submit my donate prayer. But what happened in here ? At least above two months my file will stopped. Because I had seen that half page had written of my Secretary of MOA. Then I raised loud voice why my file stopp ? then I say to all of section that my secretary is our guardian of this Ministry and we are his family members, So I need to money, My two sons study has damaged. no fulfill their demand. I am helpless, my fathers land sold and five lac taka expended of my operation, Today if sir this will write this notes only our Agriculture sector, thats will be helpful of our Agriculture sector, whereas he written as like as disability Rahila Khanums file. Thats reality. I fully understand thats only sentimentally not logically. After two months once I went our commerce Minister Kornel Faruque khan, he is as like as our brother, because he is our MP (Gopalgong). Instanly he recommended and again submit, then that file was removing. I have seen in here no values of moral. to more rcommendation/sheal to more weight.
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Suposse it is darkness power. |
But when it is entered of our Minister room, then again she disempowerment of the power, for being four days to staying her desk, but she dont care, when I raised loud voice, then she signed. Thisway she applied with me disempowerment of the power in 2000.
I recall last year when I want to my question then Director Shawli Shumon applied me her Darkness power and misbehaved to me, even no answer my question till now because I am a simple 2nd class personal officer, after that I am unwell now. They are so much corrupted and always used disempowerment of the power that I know.
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Disempowerment of the power only. |
I recall when I first raised my loud voice to against the inhumanity, then our deputy secretay Abul Basher called to me in his room and misbehave to me. But I was so silent at that time only was writing and writing. Again last year our deputy secretary pulok Ronjon shaha misbeaved me in front of our deputy secretary Mosharraf Sir, But I was silent that day. So much possess of darkness power in their mind that don't know how to behave with lady officers. This type officers always harmful of our administration. Always they dishonor the establishment rules and force only poor, needy and helpless staff only. This is no any party or any nation, they are the enemy of the nation.
I know that if that day I used my badness power, then of course they transfered from here. But I did not that only to uderstand our indispensable reality. Of course one day they understand they was wrong and I was right.
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Whole day she is working, in here she expend his power only to serve mankind only. |
Only two days ago my boss DS Mofazzal Hossain sir wanted apply to me his darkness power, then I applied my darkness power to him that used for goodness only. Thats I created slowlly only protect to me. When I had seen that they are talking about me and after he said to me a lot of compose but I disagree and strainght to knew that now no possible for me to compose. A lot of done before no more today. He is same minded also. A lot of money, tour, training and hot not but not attentively government works. I hate them as like as type officer. I have seen a lot of works before, now all of damaged seems to me.
To day seems to me our mass situation no body attentively work, only playing now. But in here most important word that I have seen when change our government then changed to everything. But never change our mentality. Because one government come and honor to them and next another government come and dishonor to them. Thisway created complex and a lot of unexpress enemy in here. Unexpress enemy is so much dangerous than express enemy. So our politicians destroyed our governments root only. I have seen of all our politicians disempowerment of the power, then all of our officers disempowerment also.
Now if we use our goodness power always then of course we can not use any disempowerment of the power and that goodness power always use to serve humankind. Then only we will gain possibility to create our good governance and we get a good nation. (cont.)
I know that if that day I used my badness power, then of course they transfered from here. But I did not that only to uderstand our indispensable reality. Of course one day they understand they was wrong and I was right.