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Krishan Konna Rahila |
This picture is my grand mother Begum Deljannesa’s grave. In here she is laying.She struggled so much of her life. That’s old era always famous family’s daughter is married only weight of Coin or Gold. So my grand mother was the famous Qazi family. To performed same case of my grand mother’s life. A nice baby become their happy life. But unfortunately she lost his husband only 13 years old that I knew from her mouth. Every moment she passed his life in the big challenge. But she did not stopped. Always she was living a lot of evils. A interesting story that I knew from her mouth that she never wear a nice dress and no bind her hair. Always her life style was so simple.Because any body don’t choose her and no like her only. I astonished to heard that story. How great realization that uneducated family’s girl. Only they taught it by nature. This is her integrity. Just at that time my grand father close friend Shuresh Chondro Mukharji generated his helping hand. He was the father of famous Sontosh Kumar Mukherje of India. He was not only guider of my father, he is all of us also.
In this miserable period sometimes she had gone her father house by swimming. She kept her baby on her head and swimming. Sometime to see after come back from out side that her child is playing of the wild animal. But did not touch him. All of animal loved him only. That’s was only kindness of Allah.
Oncc her son grown up and then sent him to school. But the evils did not performed that. My grand mother always working every stage because she was alone. All around a lot of evils. Then she taught him the plantation. How to grow the rice, jute and others ? Once he become a great fermer. As like as the lamp of Alauddin to see and see all come back their life. They become a land lord one day. That’s true. But they were fully uneducated. everything taught by nature. A big iron Shinduk (almira but heavy and square size ) where preserved a lot of money of my father. That’s money of the swept of blood. That’s only sold by Jute, rice and others crops.
I have seen at that time a lot of peoples who educated but no plenty of money. We are five brothers and five sisters. A large family. But no tension. Because they believe that of course I can do it. No fear as like as this time. Because their integrity was so high. They really love the Soil of Bangla. Always they fighting the soil and come out the big money that’s solved their problems only. Always they freedom.
My fathers elder daughters married the other village at that time. They are our first relatives. But my Taoe Sb (my sister father in law) was so educated person. But he had no plenty of money. My taoe sb tells my father, ‘Bihai Sb (brother), I am trying my children only for educated, they are my assets that’s no burn any fire, no wet any rains. My father realized him and so much helped him financial. I have seen sometimes my Taoe sb had come and to taken money from my father. Please look at the world that’s two son of my Taoe sb are now- DG. Film Archive of Bangladesh and other Doctor who is living permanently London after his passed of MBBS. Even his wife is a doctor also in London . That’s reality. That’s a part of our life. I recall once I wrote this story to Dr. Abul Hasnat Milton of Castle university of Australia . My great father I hats off.
This picture is my grand mother Begum Faijunesa’s grave. In here she is laying. She was a famous lady also. She was born at brought up of the famous family at the village of Ratoul Ghona para, Kasiani where born first Police commissioner of Bangladesh Khan Bahadur, Ex, Secretary Abu Shahid sir, many Judges, famous singer Begum Firoza that’s mean Singer Shafin and Amin mothers mothers area.Even our Advisor, health and welfare Prof. Syed Moddaser Ali once born this village. He can tell the story of our Mina house at that period.
She had two big building of Vola district at Barishal. Always she was fighting to against the inhumanity and sometimes the british govt. administration. But at last she can not.So once she came back to her village home with her children. Her life style was so high . She performed marraige her three daughters of famous restrictive family.But she could not her four sons well. Because at that time of all them engaged at that life style. So no change their life. Always they walking as like as lord. When my big uncle Abdur Razzak Mina was moving out site then everybody of the around afraid so much. I heard to them when Big uncle Abdur Razzak Mina had gone anywhere then his path is spread by milk. Always barbar and washer man reserved in their house. Nobody could not look at that house. But my grand mother could not taught to them proper education.
I heard that my younger uncle ( kuti Kaka) once deginated small Allah. That’s true. Because what he talk that to be done. A dangerous person at that area. Every body has known. That’s real history.
But What I have seen in there ? All of my unty (Fufu Amma) build up their children properly, but my all uncles could not nothing . But why ? They always used the power of their father Shafi uddin Mina. But they were so foolish I say, because always own power can be succeed his life only. Now a days all of my unty’s children become powerful of our contry but they could not nothings. Only they follow their last generation that never make them powerful. Only will power to be make him a great only. That’s true.
Actually intelligence, conscience, integrity, punctuality, hard working always make him powerful that I know. Everyone can not possess that power. Although we know that no change human nature. But to do try, no lost. Something is better that nothing. They could done but why we can not to do that ? We are human the best created of Allah.
At last my conclusion- if you use a pen that’s fillup of ink. But if all of you always useing it, then it will light and at last ended. But why ? if you created the ink, then atomatic coming out, never ended. Please don’t used of other dress, you build own dress only that make you happay and gorgeous. That’s ture. So shameful of wearing other dress that everyone knows but sometimes we are so blindly to do that. That’s only want of unconscious and ignorance that I know.
Yesterday Advisor Modasser Ali said a word that if the closed to the path of the river, Then it will be a pond. If I say that when the closed to the ocean , then it will be a Islan. If we desire,we can make it so beautiful for human being.
Always I am seeing that once we have a big river, but now dry it. In there only to keep some sign. I want that’s ponds recovery. I hope one day it will again come back his orginal surface that we lost once. In there a lot of birds singing, a lots of animal walking, a lots of cowboy is singing when they walking with their cows. A lot of green plants around the all side of us. Only that’s will be natural, not to artificial. We want to sleeping to hear birds singing and wake up to hear singing of the birds. (cont.)
If you use a pen that’s fillup of ink. But if all of you always useing it, then it will light and at last ended. But why ? if you created the ink, then atomatic coming out, never ended. Please don’t used of other dress, you build own dress only that make you happay and gorgeous. That’s ture. So shameful of wearing other dress that everyone knows but sometimes we are so blindly to do that. That’s only want of unconscious and ignorance that I know.