In my life liberation war, freedom fighther and some speech are so indispensability. My home district Narail. I wanted start my new life from there. Last year advocate Sontosh Dada and me conversation at Lawyer building at Narail, then he said that have by the peoples, of the peoples but no for the peoples. Just I was waiting there sometimes for the peoples and at last come back my house. My opinion is same of Dada lawyer Sontosh khumar. After all he is a lawyer. I have finished to all of them. Now to do conclusion.
I have written my life story ‘ where I want my justice ? in there I wrote the memory of liberation war 1971. At that time I am may be eight or nine years old. Then what I seen only for born and brought up the family of Awameleague organizer and that the miseray, pains and sorrows are arising of my life story. In liberation war so much effective the middle class farmers society of Bangladesh more than high society that means service holder or rich. At that days feature and at the present observation I compare something in here.
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My father Yousuf Mollah the best farmer of Bangladesh |
There is a provab-‘ Mache Vate Bangali’(Bangali lives to fish and rice). At that period the middle class farmer society did not care of blooded eye. They are fully in depended. There are full of Gola rice, full of ponds fish, full of cows of cow shed and others. They are not depended of others. So much absorbed rich and service holder more than farmers. At that day Bangabandhu called the peoples of Bangladesh against the terrorist government only for the freedom of the peoples of Bangladesh . He dreamt the sonarbangla. At that time whole profession’s people are participated the war, in there most of the peoples was the middle class of farmers. Who are always going to forwarding only struggle with integrity. And to see a lot of dreams. Their children are studying to school, college or university. To more in there was teachers, doctors, professors, reporters and other profession. At that day some one mukti judder chetona, some one winglingly only for freedom of the country and someone for only environment/atmosphere.
My mother Malekha Yousuf who is the best farmer, a freedom fighter and a Shahid Jononi. |
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My elder brother Nurul Islam A brave freedom fighter first stead forward leader of Narail Victoria College in 1975 |
Our village was such as a place in fron of the river. So our position, environment in here created a lots of underground that’s means Nokhshal. Our all uncles are that days supporter of Muslim league, only my father supported the boat that means Awameleague. Only for that he so distressed at that time. Everyday when we wake up in the morning, then we see a lots of liflet that tagged of our house wall. ‘ I wanted taka, food and your elder son with our party. But at that time my parents so distressed of my elder brother Islam, he was then student. Once my father to safe his life from them and sent him India with two person only for training. I heard from my mother that his departure period my father gave him money, even he put of his two finger rings and tagged the cotton of his hip. He loved him so much, only in his thought that no felt any pains anytime that’s safe him only.
Next time my father cut his rich Gola (where preserve rich) for the needy, poor and helpless peoples of the village. Not only food they are always shelter of our house. Always the peoples who living at that period only to eating our foods. Everyday my mother was cooking food for them and always maintaining to us.
Always attacked to our house both side, Rajaker, pak army and Nokshal because my brother had gone the war. At that period so much attacked my grand father Suresh chondro Mukherji and my father. After some months my elder brother come back our village again. But he did not stay of our house. Most of the time outside with the freedom fighters. But sometimes come back only observed my father and grand father and all of us. At dark night and go back that way. At that day always my mother was crying only for him, because he was their elder child who loved him so much.
At that time my elder sister who read in class eight. Some days ago marriage performed beside village. Her father in law was the chairman of that time to sent her to her fathers in law house only afraid of the pak army , Rajaker and Nokshal. My second sister had gone to Narail City with my Mama (Banglar Mama Abul Khayer). Only I stayded with mother in our village at that dangerous period. So a lot of responsible upon me at that period. My elder brother always stayed out of home being long time. Sometimes he come at dark night with some freedom fighters. Then quickly cooking food for them and then I help to my mother to her works. Whereas my cousin wrote his War memory, at that period she was living Khulna and his husband was a govt. office, then she was going to school with her daughther whose age of same to me. But when I should read and go to school , then what I was doing ? And why ?
I recall according my grand father decision once we went with my elder sisters father in law house, Father in law Mr. Habibur Rahman was the chairman at that area. Fist time we are so enjoyed there. they are four person and we are playing always and to ate dry milk and weared new dress that come out of country that means foreign. and my Taoe sb distributed of others- needy, poor and helpless peoples. But in here no any fear always happy and happy. That four children is now one of DG, Film Archive of Bangladesh and other Doctor who now is staying London, his wife doctor also. But once my parents sent our care taker ( Kanai mama who is whole life of our house) for come back home and then we come back at our home. At that day mother was cooking a lots of fish i recall now. At that time started the rainy season. Around the water. That means flood affected area. But now start a new problems that I observed.
When the sound of Helicopter or bom blust, then my father had taken all of us by boat and gone away the other low village. Mother and grand mother did not go with us. They given with us a lots of food that we was eating on the boat in the field. Sometimes we insisted to go my mother with us. But when come back to see our rice or others had burnt on the fire. Regular just this life feature was of our life. In here any attacked that means our home because a brave freedom fighter had created only our house. He was Nurul Islam.
When the sound of Helicopter or bom blust, then my father had taken all of us by boat and gone away the other low village. Mother and grand mother did not go with us. They given with us a lots of food that we was eating on the boat in the field. Sometimes we insisted to go my mother with us. But when come back to see our rice or others had burnt on the fire. Regular just this life feature was of our life. In here any attacked that means our home because a brave freedom fighter had created only our house. He was Nurul Islam.
I recall when my brother was staying out side for long day. At that time mother always crying and crying. Once I had seen that elder brother had come with some friends and I was maintaing lunch with my second brother. At that time a lots of sound of bom blust and the sound of Helocopter, Pak army had been coming. So all of them quickly gone away by back side of our house to left their foods. I had seen some Bandle of bullet and instantly my second brother taken it and put it the back field of house. Today seems to me that’s person who come our house at dark night with my brother after many days who are all of freedom fighters and others regular we was managing foods they are all of Nokshal. Once I had seen that somebody who are all of our village and nokshal they come with a big knife that’s cover of blood. They wanted me soap , then I gave and standing the side of the pond. I seen a lot of blood and blood that mixed our ponds water. I did not know who was ? But only know that they was so terrorist. This is nokhshal
I recall in 1971 a dangerous mid day, suddenly we heard from the east side coming a lots of sound of Kaman. The soil is vibrating. At that time my second brother taken all of us (4 person) and to position our latrine. Then younger sister was crying and mother taken her. Then second brother was walking with us accros through the field of Shon plants ( a lots of throne and snake in there) and shelter the Eter Vata (where bricks had burnt). Then no any fear of snake. In there sometimes stayed and after that had gone my cousin house. Althought that house not allow to us. Because we support to War. Once stop sound of the Kaman. Then we come back our home. Regular feature was that and our family always suffering that. Only reason we supporter of Awameleague and my brother was only one person who was believer of muktijudder chetona. His enemy was Rajaker, Pak military, Nokshal. Always he was fighting against the whole side. A lot of challenge always face to him that I know.
Once captured my elder brother by Military of Pakistan and binded with a lots of public, at that time a person that means Rajaker who loved us , instantly he come in front of him and to put his hand with others, then brust them that observed my brother and afraid so much. After that in leau of much money my father released him from them.
The time of eminent of victory. At afternoon. We was playing at cousin yard. At that time elder brother come on and said, what the name of this play ? Suddenly the sound of Rifel, then brother had gone away to back side of the house and I come back to our home and seen that a lots of Rajaker and army was coming just throught our house. Then we (3 sister $ elders sister husband) had gone out back side of our house and reached beside village. But my brother in law had gone away to his village because he is our relative so nobody allow him any house. That’s so miserable ! at night we heard that Rajaker and military had gone away and killed Shahid father who was Mowlana. His son Sahid was my brother friend who is freedom fighter also. When Mowlana heard the sound of bullet , then he was coming our home only searching his son. But unfortunately the team of terrorist killed him cruelly. That’s was so sad ! he always shouting and wanted to water but nobody did not go with him only fear. When we come back our house, then heard everything, then my father was coming of our house from the market. But the road some peoples no going in front of him. At that day they safe of my father life. Once so tried and slept. Actually who participate of this war, of course a lot of pains, sorrows and sacrificed that I know. A lots of memory but no express now. In this way once we got our independed. We got our freedom. A lots of hope was our new generation but our reality is so cruel. In 1975 again up rising the terrorist of everywhere.
I had seen my elder brother always faced one side Nokshak, one side rajaker one side military. But he was no upset. Always take care of my grand father Surej Chondro Mukharji, my father and all of us and most of time he had stayed out side with freedom fighters. Once our country become freedom and his mind full of joy. Then he admitted Narail Victoria college. Although I did not clearly, but in 1975 he was the student of degree of Narail Victoria college. Famous leader Ekhlas Uddin of Kalia loved him so much. Always he was the stead forward leader of that college. His class mate city Mayor Shorab bhai, Khan Mahmud, deputy director, social welfare of Narail, Habib bhai, Secretary General of freedom fighter unity command council, Shiddik bhai and others. But in 1975, 14 May at night he had gone to safe the Hindus family against the terrorist that means robber. At that day was a marriage ceremony. But in there they had seen some terrorist and instantly come back to home. But in the middle path they attacked by terrorist. They cruelly killed him. After shot to bullet, then 14 times to bannet enter his chest. Today every one has forget that brave freedom fighter Nurul Islam. But I don’t forget him. Today to need that brave person as like as my brother of this country. So always desire to tells that-
''Brother, today I need to you. In liberation period that arms you cached in your hand against the terrorist , to day come once more in Bangla and cached your arms against the terrorist who disputed your beloved sister and told me that I am a terrorist.once you dreamt this Sonar Bangla and hoped that your sister to do service in Dhaka that always you said to mother. Bhai I came in here but they so distressed me. Bhai come back once more and says them that I am not terrorist, I am a daughter of famous farmer of Bangla whose father gave a lot of sacrifice in liberation war and only our house organized Awamileague once that till now. No any leader born till now who don’t know our home at Narail. From 1971 we are giving always. My mother being 35 years her sons justice handover of ALLAH. Now I kept my justice only my ALLAH.
‘’Thisway to running only happiness a family. But unfortunately all turned –At that day we did not lose our elder brother only, we lost our beloved grand father Suresh Chondro Mukharji also. Every night we was sleeping without guardian and seems to us helpless. Grand father was my mother another son also. So we was sleeping of my sonless mothers crying and wake up hearing that crying. Sometimes we did not get my mother anywhere. At last to seen that she was laying my elder brothers grave yard. In 1975 carried a big tragedy that till now we suffering. What to did sin of my father and mother ? what to did sin our brother ? what to did sin we are all of brothers and sisters ? To day seems to me to observation that if Bangabandhu no dreamt of Sonar Bangladesh, no any incident of 1952, no any ovutthan of 1969, so no hot any young patriotism generations blood. And no lost important lives as like as my brother. And build of Brahman ideal orphans ( my father) dream did not lost ever. Cruelly no killed their dreamer elder son who always dreamt to him. To day I feels so bad when I hear the word of democracy, freedom fighter, justice of war criminal and hot not.’’ ( Quoted : where I wanted my justice ?).
After that day by day according to evaluation all of changed and be changed the integrity , morality and ideal of human. But the history never deleted. One day that to be express. I know that at that day all of govt. employer and no employer most of them support to war and participate the war directly or no direct. I already known that who was fighting by arms he is not only freedom fighter and who support at that time he is also. Only from their situation place, always fighting against the terrorist. That of course to be recognize all of us.
Now to days observation, I have seen that after 1975 and killed Bangabadhu in here fill up all of of idiots power. Only for this orginal freedom fighter who lived in village who could not enter in Dhaka/Heaven . From my life I have seen a many freedom fighter who are not orginal freedom fighter but to become owner house and land. On the other hand to have seen no any latrine or tube well some orginal freedom fighter. Even to seen a shahid wife whole life was struggle with his children and no any job manage to them. That’s reality.
From 1971 till now I have been walking of my struggle life. Now I am listed of disability. But now I dont mean only Rahila khanum. A lots of definition has created to myself. Only for this I was going of my home district Narail. First December/09 I went the freedom fighter unity commad council of Narail. In there secretary General Mr. Habib bhai who is my brother close friend of liberation period. From my childhood to heard that Habib bhai is so nearest of our family and to called my mother Ma’. But only we known by name. no seen any time may be. First time in there I introduced my name is Rahila khanum, father of Yousuf Mollah, brother late Nurul Islam, just come here to take my brothers moronottor certificate and to give me a shishu freedom fighter certificate. Then he told me are you Rahila ? and instantly phone to my second brother and said that 'Nur, Rahila has come to take Islam certificate and --. What I to do ? to eat sweet and sending to house. I am coming after evening at your house. Then he wanted to phone number of my mother. But I did not give him and said that no phone to my mother. For being 35 years he hand over his sons justice upon Allah. In here everybody forgot Nurul Islam but I did not forget him. In here all of them are famous freedom fighter. After that in front of him some commander of freedom fighter was sitting. Then he introduced to me. I said to them, Are you all of fighting by your arms ? they said, yes’. I said to them, are you believe who support at that day who is freedom fighter ? they said, yes. Then I submit my prayer to them and come back my home.
At that day I heard my mother that Shahid Bhai come to met her with his wife. Now he bought some Van (transport by carrying human) and maintaining his family life. But now seems to me our real observation that we should great respect for the achievement of liberation War 1971. But we could not honor to him. Only for liberation war, rajaker killed his innocent father. At that day they did not see his father dead body. To day the justice of crime war can be come back their father lives or their tears ? And deleted my mother without son crying ? After 35 years no could not any honor with them. In here we are helpless. So we kept our justice only the court of Almighty ALLAH not any human court.
I recall once my famous freedom fighter relative said to me, ‘if you possible collect a freedom fighter certificate of your elder brother’. But I did not care then. Now to days observation seems to me if I collect it. Now I gained a house or land of course.
At last I say as like as a famous freedom fighter of this country-''No any papers of the court of ALLAH, its need only human court.'' But I dont believe that. I believe that always need to papers only for our judgment of Allah, not to need of our human court. So I dont hope to my elder brother Moronottor freedom fighter certificate and no more my child freedom certificateno in here that I will want only that Judgment day. And that day we tell to my God why at that day you did this justice for me. Of course HE give us to our real answer that I know. (cont.)
At last I say as like as a famous freedom fighter of this country-''No any papers of the court of ALLAH, its need only human court.'' But I dont believe that. I believe that always need to papers only for our judgment of Allah, not to need of our human court. So I dont hope to my elder brother Moronottor freedom fighter certificate and no more my child freedom certificateno in here that I will want only that Judgment day. And that day we tell to my God why at that day you did this justice for me. Of course HE give us to our real answer that I know. (cont.)
I have seen Liberation war, 1971. I recall a dangerous noon, suddenly we heard from the east side coming a lots of sound of Kaman. The Kaman blasting loudly. The soil is vibrating. At that time my second brother Nur Ahmed taken all of us (4 person are: Babu, Ahad, Salma and me) and to position beside our latrine. Then younger sister Saila was crying and again and again to her head to did high. I was suffering. Then my mother taken her from me. Then meje bhai was walking with us accros through the field of Shon plants ( a lots of throne and snake in there) and shelter the Eter Vata that means bricks building (where our bricks had burnt). Then no any fear of snake. In there sometimes stayed and after that had gone my cousin house. Althought that house not allow to us. Because we support to War. Once stop sound of the Kaman blast. Then we come back our home. Regular feature was that and our family always suffering that.Please come on my discussion board and let us tell your memoraable exiting momment that happened of your life in Liberation war 1971. Please come I invite to all of you who could not go our Channel eye or others Media.Internet our latest media.No any cost in leau of.Free only. Please come on and participate to us. Especially our needy freedom fighter of Gopalgong who suffering for being so long time. Always rember I am the best Bow ma of Gopalgong in 1984. A lot of letters from my father in law I received. Always he had written that you are our best Bow ma. we chose you only your good qualites. Of course you can to build up our family. But sry I could not nothing my dear father in law. So now trying to do something. Please generate your helping kind hand and support me and come on my discussion board and tells your true story of Liberation war 1971. May ALLAH bless to all of you.
ReplyDeleteMy this articles only publish my friend Shakil and others who love of our freedom fighter only.