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Our respectable additional Secretary Qazi Akhter Hossain sir is signing the bilboard of United Against Hunger. |
First time in my life I participated of our govt. programme of World Food Day-2010. Our demonstrable subject was ‘ United Against Hunger’. My feelings was so good to seen this subject. It seems to me we are all of attached in this subject. As usual I went to the South Plaza of National Assemble. I observed the around . So nice ! But once to knew that our Chief guest our Minister Begum Matia Chowdhury and special chief guest Mh. Abdul Lataf Bisshash, Minister of livestock not come because they are engaged of any important govt. works. Once our FAO representative Mr. AD Spijkers come and our media is running in front him and then he briefing something about of our Food day. Once we started our rally.
I was just walking beside our FAO representative AD Spijkers. Once we reached the Agriculture Fair at Khamarbari Agriculture Institute Yard may be. Althought Department of Agriculture Extension is my home, because that’s Khamarbari once I born and brought up as like as educated Labour. But a long time I did not go there. So forget everything. After a long time everything has changed. Our Additional Secretary Qazi Akhter Hossain sir, our DG(seed) Anower Faruque Sir and FAO representative Mr. AD Spijkers has cut the ribbon of and inaugurated our Agriculture fair. We entered the Fair and in there displayed board ‘ United Against Hunger’ all of our sir signed in the board. I signed also. In there some good person who are all FAO representative, I talk him, ''I want to work with you.'' Then they so pleased and most welcome to me and forwarding their hand. My feelings was good to met them. In there a person of FAO. His name no recall so much good. He captured my piture. I thanked him so much.
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Our DG(seed) Anower Farque sir is signing the bilboard. |
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Mr. AD Spijkers, FAO representative of Bangladesh is signing the bilboard. |
Our Agriculture officer and FAO representative |
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Rahila Khanum, Ministryof Agriculture is signing the bilboard of ' United Against Hunger'. |
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Conferenc Room of BARC, Farmgate, Dhaka |
Once as usual our schedule time I had gone our BARC where arragned our discussion board and meeting. In there I had seen al most full of BARC Conference Room. I seated in there. After sometimes all my officer had come. But I already said that our Chief guest and especial chief guest two honorable minister has no present our World Food Day 2010. First time my govt. programe. So my feelings was so bad. Because lost our demand of this reason that I know.
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BARC Conference Room. |
First time our DG (Seed) Anower Faruque Sir lectured who was coordinator of our programme and performed everything. He told some important speech that just today every sectors-such as govt. non government and others status will be come and united then we succeed only.Then started our discussion board. First time to discussed our sir Dr.M. Ashaduzzaman, Director of BIDS. He discussed ‘ United Against Hunger and food insecurity why, by whom and How ? My feelings is so good to hear that discussed. Then I was thinking that next time I will go to sir and to collect that important notes with msg. Thisway someone gave their important lecture that’s so memorable. In there was Prof. Dr. Shahidul Alam, BAI (may be),our DG DAE, Ex DG DAE, our Additional secretary and last our Chairman, BARC. Although first time of my life. But I known that’s problems created (with global) from damaged our crop lands, so much poputation grown, so much political activites, terrorism, (so much violence), uneducated of woman and others status. Someone told that our woman is most responsible for our child nutrition. First to access to our woman society and promoting awareness. Someone said that to coming forward to all sec tor because every sector is attached in this subject-such as –poultry, health, Forest, livestock and other status. Our Additional Secretary Qazi Akhter Hossain sir said a most important speech. He told- in 1908 our Goalondho Fery Ghat by catched 28 lakh Ilish Fish (may be). So we understand the past status. But that not astonished because I have seen a lot of fishes our village pond. When it is catched then we went the pond in the field with my father. In Pakistan period my father was the best farmer of Bangadesh. We were born and brought up in the crops and others agricultural subjects. So I have a lot of memory on this subject. At last our Chairman of BARC gave him important lecture that was so important that I know.
At last my speech in here –my father was the best farmer of Bangladesh. Only two month age he lost his father. But Darkness power did not teach him educated. So once he cached his plough only love his mother of the soil. He is not Agriculturarist. But in my eye he is the best agriculturarist of Bangladesh. His integrity once gave him a reward. A lot of production-rice, jute, oil, wheat and others crops. Not only that a lot of cows, building, market place house, boats and others things. Only income sourse of the cultivation. He maintained his ten children. But he did not teach educate, so he no attached his children of thats works. Always he wanted that his children will be really educated and to do govt. job because always he had gone our district level and met a lot of Magistred, sometime they came of our house only his record or others perpouse, Banglar Mama Abul Khayer always with him as like as younger brother. He is freedom. No depended of others. So first time to build up develop ownself only that I know and to be freedom. Some one said that now Bangadesh, India has so good position. But in my thought when my father was the best land lord of our area. But now most of all are sold by my brothers. They are not staying in our village. So don’t care of the land that was so precious of my father. On the other hand most of them brought and the villagers build up their home land. But interesting who once was our labour/servent of my father, they are now working the foreign and bought of our land. Actually day by day increasing the population but no increasing our land. So damaged of our crop land. Only for our Agriculture sector that means BARI, BRRI, BSRI, BINA and others so much trying over the crops of food items and invited a varieties crops and applied their new technology and we are getting now our sufficient food items.On the other hand now my younger brother is out of country. So he sent a lot of money and his family mainting that income. Just it is example. A lot of money is coming from the foreign that our financial sector become develop that’s true. Only for this no understand our food problems. Our brothers has no interested of the cultivation/plantation. That’s their status. They seems to do farm work is shameful. I recall last year when I participated of our govt. programme (International Disability Day-2009) at Narail district. Then I introduced myself Krishan Konna. But at that day my brothers said to me that for this their position has damaged in the district. But I dont care, so now whole world I am introduced that I am Krishan konna that means farmers dauther. After 34 years I proved the Farmer is the best one of the nation. I don’t believe that will be damaged our status only. I observed everywhere our Darkess power always destroy our every sector. I hope everybody, every sector love and respect the Agriculture sector and then we become succeed only.
In reference- when I was the educated labour of our Agriculture Extension,Khamarbari in 1991-1994. Then our Shyek Shiraj (Director of Channel eye and the Figure of meadia) was walking with his speaker in front of me sometimes. It seems to me from that day till now he has been running to love our mother of the soil. But seems to me that he no educated our Agriculture university, only his practical knowledge, good performance and noble activities to day brings his life a lot of rewards that I know. He is the best Agriculturist of our country to me. Only to sitting AC room no acquired knowledge of Agriculture. Always to working practically. Then you will acquire knowledge of Agriculture. (cont.)