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Krishan konna |
Now I want to discuss of our indispensable reality. You know of our establishment rules, in there no any option if you engaged or to be govt. employer. So you can not to be registration and not to participate of any others activities. So always thinking to me that rules. But KHM my dreamer only. I want to see in this world soon. I am requesting to all of my friends please submission of your important opinion of my Mission wall.
I recall, when first I come back from Narail district with my dream and first I went my big brother Advisor, health and welfare Prof. Syed Modasser Ali, he then told me that’s good performance but most important money, if you have something, then you will give something. But we passed a lot of times. I know that of our reality, if I go of our social welfare, of course they will see to me our establishment rules only. I already to communicate of our BDHOST for website. But in there they said to me of course to need registration, even to known if I open International master card or Visa card or Bank account, then of course to need registration. After that I don’t know anything that’s to need for KHM.
You know once I curiously appointment some Members from my KHM. I don’t know how their feelings till now. May be 145 members of our KHM. Of course they support of my KHM that’s means noble activities. I appointment to you only without your consent. Till now without somebody not got any response from you.
Now I am telling to all of my honorable members and supporters please listen to me with patience, our KHM want to work always of our poor, needy,disable, helpless and specially of our new generation and others status that’s means to serve humankind without any discrimination. We will working to welfare activities/human wellbeing. First we trying something betterment of our country, removing poverty and promoting awareness only in the humanitarian process. I have already said that my target unlimited.
My targets are :
1. First to need a strong office at Dhanmodhi residensial area. Dhaka-1205 and some vehicles for my Mission.
2. In their always working of our members and supporters peacefully. Our main work to build brotherhood and peace in all the world. In here we are all equall, We are in a Mission, we are in a Nation.
3 Secondly we open specially course for our new generation where they will teach science and technology, development activities and create ownself by good performance and noble activities. Who believe really their own religion and believe humanity only they will afford of our KHM and for this they will get nice job only country and abroad.
4. My another dream in future we open a peace TV of KHM and a news paper of ‘’ The Country of Human’’ that’s I dreamt once. Now expressed only.
5. I have seen for being long time of our health sector. So first I will visit of all of our hospitals and want to see practical way.
6. I want to go all of our schools, college and university and want to see how to do studying of our children. My younger son till now studing a K.G school only half pay. Even I could not proper education. So my desire to help that needy, poor, disable and helpless students of our country.
7. I want to our lower valley and help them to food, cloth and others and to promoting awareness of clean environment everywhere.
8. If any where to killing any humanity , then we raised loud voice and instantly will go and help them Insallah.
9. We annually celebrating a ‘’Happyness Day’’ in all our districts.
10. My KHM will be for world that my drems. But now we will start of our country first.
KHM activities now :
1 1. when I understand of our indispensable reality, then I changed of my before thoughts. Now first only for KHM house and some vehicles to need finance but how can to do manage it ? I already to looking for all option and at last understand first time to all of members and supporters and to all of my friends of the world help me for this KHM. But not efforts, only comfort of humanity and possess of natural love feelings –in order to gain blessing and pleasure of Allah only. I am a disability listed, so I hope to build KHM only for this noble activities, so I hope you understand of our indispensable reality and generated to your helping hand and something beyond to KHM first. I known that untill I don’t any office and others activities, till now I can not to do nothing. Please understand to me.
2 2. Now I am invitation to all of my friends of the world, Please read, look at and understand the Queen Krshan konna of Bangladesh. Please understand of our indispensable reality. Sakespare said that the world is a stage and we are actor. The peoples come, perform their part and go. He also said some stages of our life-first stage-love feelings, emotion, second stage-pains, sorrows and remorse, third stage-peace, peace and happiness. The meaning of life lies in the change that gives us to produce or contribute to something greater then ourselves. The secret of mans being is not to live , but to have something to live for. Please let us to work altogether only peace, peace and happiness only. You know krishan konna is not hight educated. So all of you of course high educated and understand of our indispensable reality. Please come on and take over this KHM anyone who love humanity, who love of our poor, needy, disable and helpless people of the world.
First setting and the constitution of KHM :
1. Once I appointed some members only without their consent. I mean my KHM is not only fun, it is true and real. Although I dream our KHM will be for world. But have some limitation, so now I will want to start of country level.
2. President (World) who will can be any country, any nation any religion, because now I am living as like as a big family in the Earth Planet. In here we are all equal. We are all brothers and sisters only.
3. Chief Organizer (World) Rahila Khanum (creator), Krishan konna Humanity Mission (KHM).
4. Deputy Chief Organizer, Dhaka/Khulna/Chittagong/Rajshahi/Shylet/Barishal, Bangladesh.
5. Some Drivers, securities, office assistance (boy).
How can manage of our fund first time ?
First only concern of our honorable Members/supporters of KHM. A lot of writing already published of my facebook wall by bangale. In there I have written to all of our sectors for help me. Such as our business sector, lawer sectors, woman sectors, freedom fighther sector and others. Even I wrote of our Prime Minister, ex. Prime Minister and our ex. President HM Ershad.
You know that I have no money but only have to ‘ integrity of essence’. Always whats I say, that’s true only. I am human of this World. So that’s my right only. I don’t know any party or others. I recall once I entered of our Bangladesh Secretariat as like as a simple staff by a lot of distressed. But now I come out as like as a real person. I want to say that I am not mad, not impolite, I am right only. Now I have known only being human being.
So first I want to hope of our honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina-in there help me my big brother Prof. Syed Modasser, Advisor, health and welfare of Awameleague who knows me at least 17 years.
Our honorable Ex. Presiden EM Ershad- in there help to me my brother Alamgir shikder Loton of Jatio Party who knows me minimum 25 years.
Our honorable Ex. Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia- in there help me our Ex. MP Shahid Eskander only. I hope that he read, look at me and understand the Queen Krishan konna of Bangladesh and help me so much that I know.
Now I hope of our all freedom fighter of Bangladesh for help me because I have written of my articles ‘’ Liberation War in 1971, freedom fighter and some speech’’ They of course read it and understand the Queen Krishan konna of Bangladesh and help me for create my KHM.
I hope to all of my business sector for help me because just now I am a disability listed. So if they help me, so help of our poor, needy and helpless society. In here we have right to them.
At last I hope to all of my friends of the world who is land lord, who have plenty of money who believe to humanity, who loves to poor, needy, disable and helpless people of the world. Who have a lot of possess of natural love feelings of others. Who understand of our indispensable reality and understand being human being. Please generate your helping hand to Krishan konna Humanity Mission and beyond something please.
Krishan konna (Rahila Khanum) (creator)
Krishan Konna Humanity Mission (KHM)
18 November,2010.
I am requesting to all of my friends of the World please submission of your important opinion of my Mission wall. I will be so grateful to you if you knowing your important opinion.