Welcome to the Queen Krishan Konna of Bangladesh.
Welcome to the Queen Krishan Konna of Bangladesh.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Urgent Message to all of the peoples of Bangladesh from Krishan konna.
Rahila khanum Ministry of Agriculture |
Now I am telling to all of my friends of Bangladesh that you know our all of groups works basically voluntary, to welfare and all human wellbing. Especially this FEROUS NEVER DIE groups has dedicated of our that freedom fighter who had gone before and given of our freedom. But now a days to all of you observing that our democracy, accountability, transparency and fudiciary law has damaged. I have seen after 1975 to killing whole humanity that was the tremendous history of our life. Anyway, I believe everything is selected by Almighty Allah who controls this vast kingdom. That was our reality and a part of our history only.
Now I like and love only one person, He is our sir ex. Cabinet Secretary Dr.Akber Aki Khan of Bangla who is neutral and intelligence tells the true and fair that I know. We are no any party or any nation. Only we are Bangali and Bangladesh our sacred land. So of course responsibility of us now. ‘’ Somajer proti jader dayboddhota thakena tara prokito manush hoyna’’ Now I am telling with his voice that now our politics are ‘Tit For Tat’. but continure that Tit is going a big that’s will damage of our Bangla and innocent peoples of Bangla.
Of course I believe that we know of our indispensable reality. So we know of our real history of Bangla. Now we can not refused that. In here have mainly two party that’s Awameleague and BNP. Two parities are strong. No can removed of any party that we desire. So now to all of them will go only oneway that’s means negotiation thats only will be can modernize democray, accountability, transparency and create good governace only.
Sir said that now to need the neogotiation. But to need so long time. Only cordially negotiation will can perform a peace and nice country only.
But now I am saying that of all of our political leaders of course intelegence and consciousness about our country. They are not educated disability. Of course they are not sleeping, waking up. So they understand that we have been many years, a lot of damaged and continue to killing humanity. To killing and damage of our business sector, to killing health sector, to killing education sector, to killing humanity and others status.. Now if we don’t care of our indispensable reality, no understand what wanted of our all Herous that means our martyr Freedom fighter. A lot of lives we once aqired of our this country.
I know that no any law or the sign of the peoples no removing strike. Only change of our mind and soul that I know. Please understand of our enevitable reality and save our democracy, accountability and transparency.
I know also that our government of the democray parliament and our Parliament is the custody of our peoples of Bangladesh . In here we have a lot responsible. We gave my important vote to them only to saying of our rights. But our reality is only playing, not performing. really when I had seen of our Parliament running image. My heart being so hurt. Only for this always I loud voice and saying please understand of our reality and understand of our innocent peoples of Bangla who are waiting and looking at only to all of you. We are in here all of innocent peoples. Allah said that to killing innocent people, to killing the whole humanity.
Please don’t playing of us. Our Bangladesh is so small, but nice and beautiful. We want to create to more beautiful that’s once dreamt of our before generation. I know that Human is the best created by Almighty Allah. So no need to time. We have lost many times, now if we not stops, of course we will lost more important lives and wellbeing things. Please in hence to all of you start to culture of real politics and negotiation soon. I am krishan konna of Bd telling to now please understand of our reality and understand of our poor, needy, disable , innocent and helpless peoples of Bangladesh .
At last I am telling with my sir Dr. Akber Ali khan that now to need the change of culture of politics. But two way-
1. We can not refused or remove to them and can not drag to the Bay of Bengal.
2. Always will be curtesy and Songjoto ( patience and politeness) to each of other.
We dont want to our country only want to peace, peace and peace. (cont.)
Friday, November 26, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Urgent message to our honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina from Krihan Konna of Bangladesh.
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Honorable PM Sheikh Hasina |
Honorable Prime Minister
Government of the Peoples, Republic of Bangladesh.
Subject : Submission my www.facebook.com/krishankonna and http://www.krishankonnaofbangladesh.blogspot.com/ , http://www.krishankonnahumanitymission.com/ and registration of KHM.com
Respectable Madam,
I am telling with most respectfully to you that I am Krishan konna of Bangladesh. But I don't want to be Krishan konna ever. I am your sister in law of Gopalgong. I am famous Shafi Uddin Mina's grandson's wife at Kasinai, village-Chapta thats knows your advison Prof. Syed Modasser Ali. After death my hushband I wanted to live with my two orphan sons. But our educated disability society did not fillup my dream. Destroyed my happy World. But no one time. Thats again and again. At that time could not to die. Because my father real educated me only his sweat blood. So I could not die as like as Rohimon or Korimon of our Bangladesh. I dont keep banging my head aganist the wall, I stand back from it and thought all the options. At that time I cached my keyboard thats was only my experience.
First time I wrote a lot of prayer that only you and others. But sry could not reach your office. Because I had some limitation. I already submitted my article and prayers-they are :
1. Ex. Ambassador Monzurul Alam, 363/1, Road-27 (old), Dhanmondi R/a.
2. Mir Shabuddin, Vice Principal, Prime university.
3. Ex Ambassador Wali ur Rahman, Bilia, Dhanmondhi.
1. Ex. Ambassador Monzurul Alam, 363/1, Road-27 (old), Dhanmondi R/a.
2. Mir Shabuddin, Vice Principal, Prime university.
3. Ex Ambassador Wali ur Rahman, Bilia, Dhanmondhi.
4. Siddika Khanum, deputy secretary, Government of the peoples of Bangladesh.
( A letter to our ex. Cabinet secretary Mujibul Haque sir by hand of Shiddika madam).
5. Prof. Syed Modasser Ali, Advisor, Health and Welfare, govt. of the peoples Republic of
5. Prof. Syed Modasser Ali, Advisor, Health and Welfare, govt. of the peoples Republic of
6. Your set only preservation.
6. Your set only preservation.
In the mean time INLOVE HUMANITY MISSION group of Pakistan appointed me Deputy Chief Organizer (contry Bangladesh). Then I opend my dreamer Krishan konna Humanity Mission. For this misunderstood both of us and they Removal me from their mission. But I did not upset, eighter good feelings. now our KHM members 120. once I wanted to registration of my dreamer KHM and prayed to our state Minister of social welfare thats published my discussion board.
In there last para-I have written that now I am disability listed thats only collected for our administration. So now I want first a strong house as like as Ex. Ambassador Monzurul Alam and Advisor Prof. Syed Modasser Ali , Advisor, health and welfare who locked me their strong Gate only for me that I talked true worlds. Now our Bangladesh educated disability listed of me. But no others in all the World. Of course they recognised or can differentiate good and bad. They are not sleeping and not blind also. Of course they wake up.
At the present a lot of story, articles, writing , space and hot not aroud the whole World. I already know our honorable Minister Motia Chowdhury that always you passed your most of the time to computer, So please search my websites and research. A lot of letters to you my facebook wall by Bangla. But this is my first letter by Internate (english).
I hope that you discuss about my residense and my KHM. I know that I will die, so some months ago a letter to Modasser Bhai on my wall that if any time I will die, so please look after my two sons after my death. Even some days ago I wrote my blog to my friend Christophere Mark Wingate that protect my two sons and justice my two sons. I don't care of me. Always ALLAH protected me that I know.
Rahila Khanum (Krishan konna of Bangladesh)
Personal officer
Ministry of Agriculture
Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka.
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Rahila Khanum ( The Queen of Narail in 1976) |
Saturday, November 20, 2010
My six books covers and others thought of Krishan bhabna.
(By Rabindronath Thakur)
By Krishan Konna
Rebel woman
By Krishan Konn
I am telling Ex.Ambassador Waliur Rahman sir
By Krishan Konna
Where I Want This Justice ?
A struggle Krishan Konna’s story
( Krishan Konna 2nd Part)
All Articles of Krishan Konna
( Krishan Konna 3rd Part)
By Krishan Konna
Friday, November 19, 2010
''For those who have lost their life!!! Written by Hafsa Sheikh .
Here I am going to write how I feel about changes in life. Shakespeare explained seven stages of life from an infant to an adult. These seven stages include emotions and feelings, pain and sorrows and happiness of course. Biology defines life as set of characteristics differentiating between living and non-living things, but what to call a living being without such emotions?
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as it !!!!! |
Philosophers and thinkers have described life with different meanings through ages. Some describe it as a journey or a mystery. For some life is totally meaningless whereas some decided to create their own meaning, like a play with a tragic end. People believe life becomes difficult when it comes to grow up. I disagree. I don’t believe if problems increases only by growing up. I remember when I was child I used to get worried about my toys and my grades too. Then how can one say if one didn’t grow up, he must be having better life. How I believe about life is a deep well, containing three potions. The upper one is phase of not understanding anything, when we were small. Then a boundary line between first two phases is representing the part where we grow up and start understanding phenomena. Some understand by observing, some by experiencing, and some by observing other’s experiences. This phase include hard realities of life where we face BIG problems. They are “big” because we are able to understand them. Going deeper in the dark well for the third phase we realize we are being pushed so hard. People keep themselves busy in different activities then to avoid thinking i.e. stop understanding. Here people pretend to be happy and artificiality wins. We are in the deepest part with artificial happiness and abstract colors of life. Shakespeare said this world is a stage and we are actors. People come, perform their part, and go. But the reality is we are not performing we are playing. The meaning of life lies in the chance that gives us to produce or contribute to something greater then ourselves. The secret of man’s being is not to live, but to have something to live for. We live only once, let us make best of it.
Hafsan Sheikh
Hafsan Sheikh
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Urgent message to all of our honorable Members/Supporter of KHM.
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Krishan konna |
Now I want to discuss of our indispensable reality. You know of our establishment rules, in there no any option if you engaged or to be govt. employer. So you can not to be registration and not to participate of any others activities. So always thinking to me that rules. But KHM my dreamer only. I want to see in this world soon. I am requesting to all of my friends please submission of your important opinion of my Mission wall.
I recall, when first I come back from Narail district with my dream and first I went my big brother Advisor, health and welfare Prof. Syed Modasser Ali, he then told me that’s good performance but most important money, if you have something, then you will give something. But we passed a lot of times. I know that of our reality, if I go of our social welfare, of course they will see to me our establishment rules only. I already to communicate of our BDHOST for website. But in there they said to me of course to need registration, even to known if I open International master card or Visa card or Bank account, then of course to need registration. After that I don’t know anything that’s to need for KHM.
You know once I curiously appointment some Members from my KHM. I don’t know how their feelings till now. May be 145 members of our KHM. Of course they support of my KHM that’s means noble activities. I appointment to you only without your consent. Till now without somebody not got any response from you.
Now I am telling to all of my honorable members and supporters please listen to me with patience, our KHM want to work always of our poor, needy,disable, helpless and specially of our new generation and others status that’s means to serve humankind without any discrimination. We will working to welfare activities/human wellbeing. First we trying something betterment of our country, removing poverty and promoting awareness only in the humanitarian process. I have already said that my target unlimited.
My targets are :
1. First to need a strong office at Dhanmodhi residensial area. Dhaka-1205 and some vehicles for my Mission.
2. In their always working of our members and supporters peacefully. Our main work to build brotherhood and peace in all the world. In here we are all equall, We are in a Mission, we are in a Nation.
3 Secondly we open specially course for our new generation where they will teach science and technology, development activities and create ownself by good performance and noble activities. Who believe really their own religion and believe humanity only they will afford of our KHM and for this they will get nice job only country and abroad.
4. My another dream in future we open a peace TV of KHM and a news paper of ‘’ The Country of Human’’ that’s I dreamt once. Now expressed only.
5. I have seen for being long time of our health sector. So first I will visit of all of our hospitals and want to see practical way.
6. I want to go all of our schools, college and university and want to see how to do studying of our children. My younger son till now studing a K.G school only half pay. Even I could not proper education. So my desire to help that needy, poor, disable and helpless students of our country.
7. I want to our lower valley and help them to food, cloth and others and to promoting awareness of clean environment everywhere.
8. If any where to killing any humanity , then we raised loud voice and instantly will go and help them Insallah.
9. We annually celebrating a ‘’Happyness Day’’ in all our districts.
10. My KHM will be for world that my drems. But now we will start of our country first.
KHM activities now :
1 1. when I understand of our indispensable reality, then I changed of my before thoughts. Now first only for KHM house and some vehicles to need finance but how can to do manage it ? I already to looking for all option and at last understand first time to all of members and supporters and to all of my friends of the world help me for this KHM. But not efforts, only comfort of humanity and possess of natural love feelings –in order to gain blessing and pleasure of Allah only. I am a disability listed, so I hope to build KHM only for this noble activities, so I hope you understand of our indispensable reality and generated to your helping hand and something beyond to KHM first. I known that untill I don’t any office and others activities, till now I can not to do nothing. Please understand to me.
2 2. Now I am invitation to all of my friends of the world, Please read, look at and understand the Queen Krshan konna of Bangladesh. Please understand of our indispensable reality. Sakespare said that the world is a stage and we are actor. The peoples come, perform their part and go. He also said some stages of our life-first stage-love feelings, emotion, second stage-pains, sorrows and remorse, third stage-peace, peace and happiness. The meaning of life lies in the change that gives us to produce or contribute to something greater then ourselves. The secret of mans being is not to live , but to have something to live for. Please let us to work altogether only peace, peace and happiness only. You know krishan konna is not hight educated. So all of you of course high educated and understand of our indispensable reality. Please come on and take over this KHM anyone who love humanity, who love of our poor, needy, disable and helpless people of the world.
First setting and the constitution of KHM :
1. Once I appointed some members only without their consent. I mean my KHM is not only fun, it is true and real. Although I dream our KHM will be for world. But have some limitation, so now I will want to start of country level.
2. President (World) who will can be any country, any nation any religion, because now I am living as like as a big family in the Earth Planet. In here we are all equal. We are all brothers and sisters only.
3. Chief Organizer (World) Rahila Khanum (creator), Krishan konna Humanity Mission (KHM).
4. Deputy Chief Organizer, Dhaka/Khulna/Chittagong/Rajshahi/Shylet/Barishal, Bangladesh.
5. Some Drivers, securities, office assistance (boy).
How can manage of our fund first time ?
First only concern of our honorable Members/supporters of KHM. A lot of writing already published of my facebook wall by bangale. In there I have written to all of our sectors for help me. Such as our business sector, lawer sectors, woman sectors, freedom fighther sector and others. Even I wrote of our Prime Minister, ex. Prime Minister and our ex. President HM Ershad.
You know that I have no money but only have to ‘ integrity of essence’. Always whats I say, that’s true only. I am human of this World. So that’s my right only. I don’t know any party or others. I recall once I entered of our Bangladesh Secretariat as like as a simple staff by a lot of distressed. But now I come out as like as a real person. I want to say that I am not mad, not impolite, I am right only. Now I have known only being human being.
So first I want to hope of our honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina-in there help me my big brother Prof. Syed Modasser, Advisor, health and welfare of Awameleague who knows me at least 17 years.
Our honorable Ex. Presiden EM Ershad- in there help to me my brother Alamgir shikder Loton of Jatio Party who knows me minimum 25 years.
Our honorable Ex. Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia- in there help me our Ex. MP Shahid Eskander only. I hope that he read, look at me and understand the Queen Krishan konna of Bangladesh and help me so much that I know.
Now I hope of our all freedom fighter of Bangladesh for help me because I have written of my articles ‘’ Liberation War in 1971, freedom fighter and some speech’’ They of course read it and understand the Queen Krishan konna of Bangladesh and help me for create my KHM.
I hope to all of my business sector for help me because just now I am a disability listed. So if they help me, so help of our poor, needy and helpless society. In here we have right to them.
At last I hope to all of my friends of the world who is land lord, who have plenty of money who believe to humanity, who loves to poor, needy, disable and helpless people of the world. Who have a lot of possess of natural love feelings of others. Who understand of our indispensable reality and understand being human being. Please generate your helping hand to Krishan konna Humanity Mission and beyond something please.
Krishan konna (Rahila Khanum) (creator)
Krishan Konna Humanity Mission (KHM)
18 November,2010.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Eid-ul-Adha and Today's in my thought
Today Eid-ul-Adha is celebrating in all the Muslim community. Eid-ul-Adha means sacrifice ownself. Once our Prophet Hazrat Ibrahim (A:) fully prepared to Korbani His dearest son Ismail (A:) only grain blessing and pleasure of Allah. Every year we recall this day only sacrifice this day for others. But from my childhood what I have been seeing ?
Today Eid-ul-Adha is celebrating in all the Muslim community. Eid-ul-Adha means sacrifice ownself. Once our Prophet Hazrat Ibrahim (A:) fully prepared to Korbani His dearest son Ismail (A:) only grain blessing and pleasure of Allah. Every year we recall this day only sacrifice this day for others. But from my childhood what I have been seeing ?
When I groun up and started to understanding and slowly introduce the phenomenal. Some observed, some gathered experience now thats phase included hard realities of my life. So now no comments. Only saying what I am doing ? I know that my whole life sacrifieced for others. Every stages-for my family, for my society and administration also. Now a days dont nothing without only my own life. So now I decided that my next life I sacrified for others. Thats my Korbani. Only for this I have writing day by day, even to woke up a lot of nights. Now I am so tried and tried.
Today my children and me. Schwan Ahmed Nigar Sultana Tumpa and Ahmed Rafsan.
It seem to me that most of us no interested to capture their picture. So I have done only my pleasure and in my though by only my natural love feelings. If I will be stay in here, in future I will to do something for them.Atualy this day only for them. Our poor, needy peoples could not afford the meat market. So they being whole year have been waiting this day only. I know that everyone dont possess of natural love feelings. If we possess that feelings , so no will be poor in this world. Please understand of our indispensable reality.
Today my children and me. Schwan Ahmed Nigar Sultana Tumpa and Ahmed Rafsan.
Please look at this picture minutely. I captured this picture under my building.This is tenth floors building. Our poor, needy peoples waiting for meats of Korbani. The sun setting and come back darkness in the world. After that they waiting for that. Whole year they waiting just this day. So now they are no pains.
It seem to me that most of us no interested to capture their picture. So I have done only my pleasure and in my though by only my natural love feelings. If I will be stay in here, in future I will to do something for them.Atualy this day only for them. Our poor, needy peoples could not afford the meat market. So they being whole year have been waiting this day only. I know that everyone dont possess of natural love feelings. If we possess that feelings , so no will be poor in this world. Please understand of our indispensable reality.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Message to honorable President of Barack Obama from the Queen Krishan Konna of Bangladesh.
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The honorable President Barack Obama is speecing of the parliament of Lokh shova, India. |
My best regards.
I am Krishan konna that means a farmer's daughter of Bangladesh. Once I came in this Heaven that means Bangladesh Secretariat from my village to crossed a long way. I have seen from my childhood a Darkness power that destroyed my life. My childhood period famous person of India S.K mukherji's fatther Suresh Chondro Mukharji had guider of us. After that in 2004 famous neuro surgeon Dr. Ari. G. Chacko, Cmch, Vellore of India recovery me and then I got my new life. So always seem to me that India is my second mother land. So now my feelings is so good to see you just thisway moving only for peace of our dearest countries. I am so happy to hear from you a nice word that I am not in here only the President of America.I am coming only inspirated of Mohattah Gandhi and being the messanger of the peace. You like Robindronath and Mohatta Gandhi.Mohatta Gandi was the peace of symbol. Always He wanted to negociated between Hindu and Muslim. He of course understand that united power always for human welbeing. By only honor to each of other, no dishonor. Not only our Mohatta Gandi all of the humanitarian famous person who came such as a simple family but their integrity, realization was so Great. Abraham Linclon, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mendila all of the great humanitarian. Always I mean that you are their inheritence. You understand our indispensable reality. I always give human moral values than others thats higher up than others things. Everyone don't possess of this natural love feelings.
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Indonesia Barack Obama courts Muslim |
Now you are staying of our Muslim country Indonesia where living most of all Muslim. You are always fighting to be united all of Nation, all of religion and dream a nice and peaceful world only. I honor your great realization. I known-'' You can not change human nature'' ' Never say never'. So in here we are living combined good and bad. Till now a lot of good person as like as Mohatta Gandhi, Abraham Linclon, Martin Luther king and others. So seem to me our world is so beautiful. At the present every country in all the world is now no calm, only causes of our wrong political activities. After that we going forward of our good activities only to build up a nice world. I hope one day they understand our indispensable reality and will be humanitarian as like as Mohatta Gandhi and others.
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Mrs. Michell |
I have seen family, society and administration. From my life I have known only-being human being. I have known that Allah, God, Isshore, vogoban is only one person who controls this vast kingdom. Allah is not only Muslim HE is for all human being.
In here refference- last year IHM (for world) of Pakistan appointed me deputy cheif organizer. But once misunderstand with them and disconnected. They knowing to me that they are so much humanitarian of the world. Thats good news for me. Because now a days I always observe all illegal activities are performed only from Pakistan. They killed of their own brothers. But our Islam does not allow this short of terrorist of the name of Islam. I hope that IHM group only by their humanity processing reduce the terrorist acitivities and come back peace , peace and happiness only. I already said that they set their Mission to all of the country, but not enter of our Bangladesh. Whereas a lot of Bihari's out going stoped in liberation period IHM group will try to return back home soon. Then we are living in here some relaxly.Then we will be so grateful to them.
May God bless you and your campaign will be more success.
With regards-
The Queen Krishan Konna of Bangladesh
(Rahila Khanum, Ministry of Agriculture, Bangladesh Secretariat.).
(cont. 9-11-2010)
Todays news-Barack Obama is now his child memorable place in Indonesia. My feelings is so good to hear this news. Actually this moments is so delightful and so much enjoyable but happen to a little person's life. And they are so lucky person that I know. He stayed in his five years in Indonesia. He will go in there famous mosque and give his important lecture. Even his first school teacher Hashimaho hoped that Barack Obama will participete his first school and to hearing the children song that they prepared before.
Indonesia is a largest Muslim country where largest percent of them Muslim. Just in there our honorable President Barack Obama that not imaginable. But thats true. Once seem to that a tremendous subject thats means as like as a God. But now seems to me that word '' Chinno boshonie Pagol'' that means our President Obama is a fellow of Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Linclon, Martin Luther King who came once from the low society and they are all of the man of the soil. Althought Mahatma Gandhi's father was a Judge and He is a Barister also. But His life style is so simple. He understand our indispensable reality. So once He raised his loud voice to against the inhumanity. He always hoped all of their united power once succeed them only. He did not divide between Hindu and Muslim. Always hoped they are as like as a family and all of brothers, sisters and friends only. But at last he failed, once we separated. '' You can not change human nature'. Never say Never.' His whole life had done only for others ' Live for others, is the best solution to live with peace. ''
But if we backward of our past history. In there we see that everyone who understand our indispensable reality. Of course their last sequence is so miserable. Because they dont fear anybody of the world without Almighty God. God always their protected. But Always we become a Darkness power thats could be goodness or badness. But badness power is so more flowing than goodness power. Always collusion to each of other. Just a burning candle. If again and again you trying to stop, of course once stopped. On the other hand if you mean a bomb, when it will blast, only keeping a lot of particles thats will can be harmful or helpful only. Example- Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Linclon, Martin Luther King, Indira Gandhi and others thats helpful for human welbeing. We can differentiate good and bad only to research their life. But Atomic bomb that blasted on the Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Till now we are suffering for its ray thats particles are hurmful.
Today my feelings is so bad that we are inheritor of Mahatma Gandhi, till now no teach live for others. If I did not enter of our letest media website, no understand of others. Now I research Mohatma Gandhi -at that day we separated of our big family that means Hindhu and Muslim. But I dont know how much benifited of our Muslim society than Hindu society. . We love Allah, Quran and Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). But seem to me only that leaf service. We never try to looking for real indispensable reality. Only use our Islam when to need of our Dul (protect cover). But the important words (Hadish) thats to need of our human welbeing no looking for that. But now I got it. Please read Holy Quran- Shura Midad, Ayat-32, Shura -Huzurat, Ayat-13. Shura Imran-Ayat-64 and 54, Shura Bakara, Ayat-168. Really so nice words but I did not know before. Thats of course enriched me for being Muslim. But now I am so distressed now a days to all of our Muslim brothers and sisters forgot it. Only for this of our main Muslim country is now so hot condition (oshthirota) . Almighty Allah dont pleased with us. HE has gone away from us that I am seeling the whole world.
When I created my channel youtube.com then I have seen our Rani Elegabeth 11 is hearing the ricitation of our Holy Quran. Then I astonished and in my thought how strange ! Where being as like as Muslim, we cant that . I am not saying that we can not reading the Holy Quran. I want to say that we are reading but not understand what Allah saying or not aplly. Such as - now a days we aquired academic certificate only for gaining a job, but not want to proper educated. Thats our reality.
I have seen in there a lot of peoples converted Muslim but why ? of course they like it and understand our indispensable reality. Allah said that I already indicated everything of my Holy Quran. So Islam is the best solution of the peoples. But I dont apply that. Even our President Barack Obama said that Islam is the Great religion. But what we saying. We are saying, ' Are you perform your prayer ? Are you perform your prayer ? I replied, yes you are 5 times, but I am all of times. Allah said that untill you call me, till I am with you.
Allah, God, Isshore, Vogoban are only one person who controls this vast kingdom. Every Holy books say to true, fair and humanity. All humanitarian had said that '' Shober upore Manush Sotto Taher Upore naye.''. Manob dhormoe boro dhormo. being human being. Today I have known of our indispensable reality. I love Allah, God, Isshore, Bhogoban and others and love all Holy books that say only true, fair and humanity. Allah said that oh human, first I created you only a pair of woman and man, then divided others catagories- such as religion, color, language, Country, environment and others only introduce to each other. He is the best honorable to near Allah who is Muttakin. Whereas you are not fithting to each of others.'' But what we are seeing ? Continue we are killing a brother to others brothers only. Our Islam dont allow to this short of terrorist the name of the Islam. For this at that day we separated from India ? But I did not want that. Because Shuresh Chondro Mukherji loved Bangla, Loved the river of Noboganga, loved his child farmer Yousuf Mollah and loved all of ours. I have seen only stressed him of our Muslim society and at last He had gone escaped to India without knowing to us. His last letter to me from Delhi-' Rahila I have gone to Delhi without knowing to all of you because was no situation to tell of you. Never stop your study. Always remember study is slove to all the problems of woman. Next time we knew that he burnt by Chondon wood in Delhi. This is famous S.K Mukharji's father Suresh Chondro Mukherji who was of our guider as like as grand father only.
So I have seen family, society and administration. But dont want to see no more. Now I want to see practically everything why our brothers and sisters are fighting ? Why they dont honor and love to each of others. After that I dont know how many times I will staying in this world. At that day only will stay of my all writings only. (cont.)
Monday, November 8, 2010
Urgent message to our honorable Minister and honorable Advisor, Ministry Social welfare.
Rahila khanum Ministry of Agriculture |
There is nothing in the world, without only true.'' You know that once IHM of Pakistan appointed me Deputy chief organizer (country Bangladesh). But once misunderstanding to them only Haji M Haif of Afgan. He criticised about Jesus and His mother Marium of my wall. And like our Chief (world) Agha Tariq H khan and Mahboob Ali, Then I doubted to them and created my own dreamer KHM. Then they removal to me from their IHM and insulted me in front of the whole world that I illegal used their sentence that damaged their IHM.From then I always trying and trying to write my blog by english only. All my articles I express to that. But now I have forgotten eveything what happened before. but today again IHM may be deputy chief organizer Mrs. Mosarrat Khan write to me some msg. that disgust me.
Mosarrat Khan
@KK, “Knowing/saying is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do in practical for them being a Humanitarian person like Great Humanist Djuoto Suntani,IHM founder Agha Tareq, Nice Humanist Haji M Hanif etc.
Some Peoples are Copying to them from FB in net but practical they are nothing, reason is clear that,there humanity is limited to language,nation.Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him) was REHMATUL AALMIN, (means for all nations) not for particular nation.Djuyoto Suntani,IHM World President Agha Tareq,IHM Chief Organizer (America) Mahboob Alam and Haji M Hanif and their world Muslim supporters are actually followers of Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH)
Mrs. Mosarrat Khan I dont forget to all of your that msg. Till now no answer my question from to all of you. Just now you are bias to all of them. At that day I was simple krishan konna but now I am the Queen krishan konna of Bangladesh. Once I catched my fathers kachi that means pen to against the inhumanity. I cut a bit that disgust to me only. When you gave to me your last msg. then I knowing to whole world that. I wanted my answer but you could not nothing. Only for you 1971 I could not teach my proper education. Most inhumanity activities that you performed liberation war in 1971. Krishan konna is disability listed. only for some word and sentence -at that day to all of you said again and again- please deleted our each sentence and word. All of you are narrow minded. A simple word or sentence that you could not give to kirshan konna when what you give of our country ? You damaged of our country. After that we are so fine. no any help from you. I already said to our government that IHM open his Mission whole world but not enter in Bangladesh.Because you are not humanitarian, only for show thats status. I dont like it. Only one person Hafsa Sheikh is so good person , I like and love her so much. She is humanitarian. Our Islam does not alow this short of terrorist of the name of Islam. Haji M Hanif is the disputed to me. Because at that day he criticised of JESUS and Marium. But Allah dont like the criticise. Our Islam is the peace of Religion. I known in this world all are brothers and sisters only. '' to killing innocent humanity, to killing the whole humanity. But continue to all of you brothers and brothers are engaged fighting. But not pakistan now whole world same condition. But Pakistan so much than others. I mean to read some books or higher educated not being humanitarian. Everyone don't possess of natural love feelings. Mrs. Mosarrat Khan You will be glad to know that when to all of you insulted me in front of the World. From then I deleted all of your sentence and day by day I have been trying to teach english language only. Because Krishan konna dont failure of her life. Just two months I have written 137 articles in my blog. I challeng nobody did not write such big numbers of blog this short time by english. I know that english language is not only any person or country. It is International language. You also glad that I already sent my all documents to Sweden peace committee and the president of Sweden only for give me reward for peace of Nobel. Are you know before any person wanted that or prayer ? But I have done it. Please read my -www.krishankonnaofbangladesh.blogspot.com, http://www.krishankonnahumanitymission/, www.twitter.com/krishankonna, www.youtube.com/krishankonna. And say-am I wrong or all of you ? I dont menat that all of you are our enemy. Because you read Shura Huzurat, Ayat-13. Allah already solved HIS Holey Quran. Always will be fine. May Allah bless to all of you.
Please read carefully and to do something for me. I know that I have not money. Just now I am a disability disted. So please arrange a strong house and rehabilitation to me urgent. Thats will be Krishankonna humanity Mission. and urgent registration of it.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
I am telling to all of my friends of Bangladesh and in all the World.
Rahila Khanum Ministry of Agriculture. |
Yesterday was my birth day. I received a lot of good wishes from all of my friends of the world thats enriched me now. I am so greatful to all of you. You know that now a days I dont know any Party, any Nation, only know being human being. ' 'Shober uporey manush sotto taher uporey naye''. I have seen family, society and administration. I come from a farmer family who always believes of Awameleague. Till now my mother thought that Awameleague is her son Islam who killed by terrorist in 1975. I love Bangla, I love our poor, needy, disable and helpless peoples of the world. From my pains I can differentiate good and bed. I love Almighty Allah, I love the Holy Quran. I love our prophet Mohammad (PBUH). I always believe that Almighty Allah is unique of his attributes and self-sustaining. I want to carry out humanitarian works in a practical way to serve mankind, in order to gain blessessing and pleasure of Allah only. I know that while I am nothing but a small particle in a vast kindom that Allah controls. Of course to all of you believe it also.Always remember that Allah, Isshore, God, Vogoban are only one person who controls to all of us. Allah is not only Muslim, HE is the whole human beings.
Just today I dont tolerate anything that disgust me only. Only for this always to like to keeping me so distance from news media. Accidently if I observed then so hurt to me untill no express that. Today I dont believe politicians, bureaucrats and others who seems to himself as like as God. But I believe that only God is my Almighty Allah only. Only for them our sonar Bangla has damaged now. They forget Allah, the Holy Quran and our prophet Mohammad (PBUH). I am seeing only for this has created so much conspiracy. Once it was by hidden. But now openly fighting thats not tolerable. That being hurt to me. I am so distressed. Because I am seeing thats only lost as like as me needy society. You know that I am always fighting to against of our educated disability society. I already proved after 17 years the great quoted of Bangabandhu-'' Amer Krishok onnaye korena, Amer Mojdud onnaye korena, onnaye korey shikkhito somaj.''
Oh my friends please understand of our indispensable reality. In here have started a new playing if thisway running, must be more damage of our sacred land thats you aquired in leau of a lot of lives. I know that no any lost of all you or they are, only lost of our poor, needy, farmers society only. Thats not only in Bangladesh, whole world same condition. After that of course understand our reality. Please look at the President Brack Obama is running whole world only for peace and his country develop. Please read today's news paper ' Amader Shomoy'' in there Brack Obama said, ''Islam is the great religion.'' But we forget Allah and our Islam. Islam always give the solution of all problems. Whereas we could not a line to say anytime of my God. Please look backward of our history. All humanitarians could be succeed of the world. Abraham Linclon, Martin Luthar king, Nelson Mendela, Mohathir Bin Mohammad, Brack Obama are all of humanitarian. Our Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) is the greated humanitarian. So only humanitarian peoples understand the indispensable reality. Everyone dont possess of natural love feelings. Thats aquired day by day only for struggling that I know.
The Great Leader is that peroson who love Allah, who understand indispensable reality, who is humanitarian. and love our needy, poor and helpless peoples only. But when we selected of our leader, then we see their Darkness power who can be stress of our needy and helpless society only. So our roots have a old methods. On the other hand if thisway always to publish by media. Then our new generation will be follow this play. So should be condemn this play by our media. Today a lot of Media has created and grows a lot of politicians who are not humanitarian, as like as God. So their wrong activities always harmful for our new generation. I dont want to see only sign board of our Islam. It will must be follow genuinely. But I am not traditional Mowlana. Suppose at night after one o clock by Channel eye programme- I had seen in there their conversation-So shamful and hateful of our politicians. thats being hurt to me.
You can not change human nature''. Never say Never'' After that only save our country to do something for betterment of our Bangla. The world is a stage and we are actor. The people come, perform their part and go. But our reality is we are not performing, only playing. So now we are not want to be public, want to be real actors. They are playing and we are watching as like as dorshok (public) thats so selfish thats no hope of our country from me. So now of course to do something produce and contribute of our country.
Yesterday conversation was Tariq Zia. When Mr. Salam Sb said politely and logically. But our MP said that he is not leterated person, even he said that he is not competant or same level of us. so we dont care to him. But I mean in here no competant or noncompetant. only inheritence. In here always killed of our competant peoples by of our realty. Salam Sb said that after his born he have been observing the politics, even in 1991 and till 1996 he has a lot of achievements. I recognize that practical knowledge is so much experence than reading. He is a stead forward leader. A real leader not created one a day. Day by day only for struggling once created a leader who understand our indispensable reality that I know. In here no oportunity to created themselves. Before that we are disputed. We lost our image. Thats our reality. I always anti of student policy. They of course real educated and understand of our indispensable reality. They love of our Bangla individually. They are always be stead forward leader, never believe blindly of our politicians.We always hope to them. Now seems to me of course they are not sleeping, they are waking up. One day they understand of our indispensable reality. Now I can differentiate good and bad. Face is index of mind. Seems to me that Tarik Zia was not so much corrupted. After all he is good person. Their life was started in the fighting. If he get any oportunity of course succeed oneday. But our reality is -one can not please everybody- in here always disputed of our politicians.Thats created by only old methods.
I have seen in here a lot of old methods that created only CSP officers who was attached the govt. of Pakistan. In there always killing of our needy, poor and helpless society. I dont know how and when we come out of this complicated rules, or not. I have seen to all of our needy sociey , farmer's society always distress by our politicians and in here we are suffering of bureaucrats who forget our indispensable reality.
I am telling to all of you who understand our reality and love Allah and always understand that we are in here only for short time. One day we will have to leave from this World. Only will stay our good performance and noble activities. I though that as like as humanitarian if we always staying beside to them of course we can something only for our country then and the whole needy society. Now we are living as like as a big family in the Earth Planet. In here we are all brothers and sister only. Allah said His Quran-'' oh human I created you only a pair of woman and man, after that I divided to all such catagories-religion, color, language, country, environment and other status only for introduce to each of others.'' So no doubt that we are so close in here and only for short time. Only for us waiting a long time that days only.
Who love Bangla, who love our poor, needy, helpless peoples, who love Krishan konna of Bangladesh. Please come on we build a strong humanity group of Bangladesh. I am always crying in here only for standing beside to all of them who are always killing by inhumanity. We want to always works in the middle of them only for helpler. Although I am not understand good english. But you can. We are working by website. I mean this is the latest technology of the world. Suppose our news paper only limitation of our country or who knows to Bangla. But our space so spread the whole world so fastly. So we are in the latest media now. We can get easily to all of humanitarian activities or others democratic government rules that of course help us to create our good government and modernize democracy. Who are now out of country, please surplus to our group what you gained gather knowlege from there. Always innovate, modify of someting that to need of our country. Today to neeed innovation. If you silent or sitting just to blindly never innovation of our society, of our administration. Always all of us to be innovative. All of you know that our country is so small but so nice. If we desire to can be hear again that singing of birds, always we was hearing at the moment of sleeping and waking up. My river Noboganga and Chittra was was so nice and khorosorota. Now a days I dreams these happy days that lost once.
Please come on to love bangla, the helpless peoples of Bangla, to love krishan konna of Bangla only for create a good government and recovery of our democracy. We dont want to fighting, we want to peace, peace and happiness only. Please come on practically or voluntarily what you comfortalbe. Always remember-Friendship is comfort, but not efforts. (cont.)
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